• @Samubai@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    If a sort of revolution is inevitable, commies need to be ready to gtfo the country safely or fight.

    If commies can make militant, armed blocs, and separately really start selling rural America on communism, it will help the chances of success A LOT. Commies should make an sra type org. SRA is a bit of a catch all, umbrella group that attracts anti-commie socdems too. Not productive.

    No violence until war breaks out or something extraordinary happens. Having training and support prepared could help bolster parties push harder on certain things. They can counter fascists, too. Fascist allies are emboldened by the fact so many lefties are “pacifists” and will never be caught defending themselves.

    Fascists train and shoot much more than commies. They have a lot more money and resources, so a group that focuses on training for guerrilla-like scenarios would be ideal. Fitness, hiking, learning to make a Dakota fire/smokeless fire, Leave No Trace, setting up hammock and tarp, foraging, using compass and maps, cleaning weapons, hygiene and first aid in backcountry settings are essential in case a serious natl situation were to arise.

    Esp in the west and Appalachia, guerrilla warfare(armed groups of no more than ten hiding in the woods full-time) is more viable/necessary than some realize. It could be sustained for a while.

    Edit: add counter-insurgent/counter-intelligence tactic familiarity to the list.