There are a lot of news articles about “back to the office”, but they recirculate the same bad ideas. Let’s provide some new ideas for the media to circulate. It may also have the effect of making the office less terrible.

I would like my work computer to do Windows updates lightning quick in the office. It currently takes weeks, in or out of the office. Stopping in for a day makes no difference, so there is no point. Now, if there was a point, I would go in.

What would get you in the office?

  • vettnerk
    1 year ago

    I sometimes have to. Not because someone tells me to, but because my physical presence is actually needed.

    Sometimes I have to fly in from my middle-of-nowhere home office because whatever system I was troubleshooting wasn’t fixable via VPN. And said system can be anywhere in the world, so it doesn’t really matter where I live.

    So returning to an office based work location? Yeah, that ain’t happening…