Just another development in the New Cold War (NCW), the Trump administration is rallying their supporters for a protracted people’s fascist’s war using conspiracy theories about the CCP infiltrating the DNC and all Left-Liberal media (both in the sense of news, and in the sense of entertainment).

This video also shows conspiracy theorists and American Fascist theorists and calls them “Patriots”. Very clear what they’re trying to do here.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer OP
    33 years ago

    It could also push some of them to the left, because what Trump’s staff are suggesting to his followers is in essence terrorism. And the best way to get liberals to reject the right is to show them why they need to stop rejecting us. This has, in the end, been what’s happened in every revolution - defenders of the near-right see how far the far-right will go for their ideology, and drift left to counter it.

    “If the fascists are to turn to terror and conflict, then I shall opportunize on it. Use them as an example for all to see: this is the enemy, the horde at our gates. Opposing us results in men like these taking power” as one of my comrades put it, idk if he was quoting someone.