I’m a leftist amateur writer and roleplayer with an interest in writing stories set in socialist and communist societies, but I keep wondering if the worlds I have created are actually communist, and I also want to read about similar fictional worlds that other amateur writers have created as well as share my work. Does anyone know a place for that? Is there a place to do that on this community?

  • @BongHitsForStalin@lemmygrad.ml
    3 years ago

    The best I had been able to do was have a nation roleplay thing in either a Steam group or Discord.

    the IDP-RSA will unite the global south, the moon and mars under the red banner of lenin by 2100

    • Marxism-FennekinismOP
      13 years ago

      Funnily enough, I’m currently open for one-to-one roleplays for my sci-fi post scarcity communist world.