• JucheBot1988
    202 years ago

    What’s hilarious is when they actually manage to invent Leninism (as “revolutionary confederalism,” or something) – but still foam at the mouth about le ebil redfash tankies.

      • Libertarian drama is the funniest thing ever. Their sects usually count 1 person and are calling eachother “socialists” all the time over minuscule differences. Best is when one of them gets a flash of contact with reality like “guys maybe let’s not have warlords all over?” and others are immediately like “statist! statist!”

        • JucheBot1988
          112 years ago

          Not to mention that time some libertarians took control of a town, and got run out (fittingly) by angry bears.

          • @redshiftedbrazilian@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            loool this is so fucking funny

            we have to struggle against goverments, big enterprises and imperialism not to mention whole ass countries like Cuba dealing with a brutal embargo and somehow commies still manage to make it work decently but ancaps having an entire town for them, no embargo, no imperialism, no govermental oppression, no fucking cops and they SOMEHOW still managed to fuck up.

            These same people will then tell u on the internet that sOcIaLiSm HaS fAiLeD