If our society falls apart and we lose productive forces; but humanity still survives, maybe we could return to primitive communism.

Some people are saying that the climate change crisis will bring humanity back to tribal ages. (I disagree with them; but it’s possible.) In the past, the lack of productive forces meant that communism could flourish.

Society was primitively communist because humans could barely produce enough necessary materials to survive. If humanity were to lose a large amount of their productive forces, could we be coerced into returning to primitive communism?

EDIT: Elaborated on my opinion.

EDIT 2: Of course, this idea supposes that all capitalist countries will fall during the crisis.

  • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    “What is socialism and what is Marxism? We were not quite clear about this in the past. Marxism attaches utmost importance to developing the productive forces. We have said that socialism is the primary stage of communism and that at the advanced stage the principle of from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs will be applied. This calls for highly developed productive forces and an overwhelming abundance of material wealth. Therefore, the fundamental task for the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces. The superiority of the socialist system is demonstrated, in the final analysis, by faster and greater development of those forces than under the capitalist system. As they develop, the people’s material and cultural life will constantly improve. One of our shortcomings after the founding of the People’s Republic was that we didn’t pay enough attention to developing the productive forces. Socialism means eliminating poverty. Pauperism is not socialism, still less communism.”

    https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/deng-xiaoping/1984/36.htm https://dengxiaopingworks.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/to-build-socialism-we-must-first-develop-the-productive-forces/