I assume this is mastodon.social. Small compared to twitter, but it’s progress.

  • Bilb!
    12 years ago

    A very small percentage of that number will stay and be active.

    • comfy
      42 years ago

      Why? Those are accounts, not views.

      • @slacktoid
        32 years ago

        Partly cause people expect an exact Twitter which mastodon doesn’t really aim to be. Some people will enjoy the organic growth of connections others won’t. Plus lack of feature parity with twitter and the complications of a federated timeline and a local timeline. People in general dont have the patience to try and learn something new.

        • Bilb!
          2 years ago

          Exactly, people fleeing twitter will find something that is definitely not twitter and they will bounce.

          • @slacktoid
            12 years ago

            I say that as someone who likes what mastodon is and don’t want it to become twitter.