• @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    42 years ago

    So you want Ukraine to join NATO now? Or establish a no fly zone which means NATO war with Russia??

    Sorry I live in Germany I value my life and non-radioactive city.

    I am pro sending weapons though, Ukraine seems to want them.

    • Ora
      -12 years ago

      Holy fuck, obviously Russia isn’t going to try and single-handedly take on all of NATO. They’d have to back off which is why the US is sending weapons instead of deescalation, because “defense” and weapons is one of the biggest drivers of the US economy.

      • @guojing
        -62 years ago

        This is so funny because Russia has the most advanced military in the world. Particularly hypersonic missiles, which the u.s. wont have for years. And working missile defense systems.

        • @pingveno
          52 years ago

          What are you even talking about? The US has far superior armed forces as this conflict has shown. Russia couldn’t even achieve a victory over a much smaller, weaker neighbor. And the US isn’t years off from hypersonic weapons. It just did a test run last month.

          • @guojing
            -22 years ago

            Russia destroyed the UAF as an organized fighting force during the first day with standoff weapons alone. And Russia did test runs of hypersonic weapons years ago, they are already deployed with frontline units.

            • @pingveno
              2 years ago

              Again, you’re comparing Russia, a country of 144 million people, with Ukraine, a country with 100 million fewer people. And even then, Russia’s having a hard time of things. It also has proven to have piss poor logistics, terrible maintenance, and cringe worthy communication security that has gotten multiple generals killed. And if they’re avoiding civilian targets like they claim, they’re doing a piss poor job of that too. Even when the US was fighting wars on two fronts in Afghanistan and Iraq for an extended period of time from nearly the opposite side of the planet along with various other engagements around the globe, it wasn’t this bad.

              I’m not saying this because I’m like “'Murica! Fuck yeah!” I just don’t like a thoroughly inaccurate claim to go unchallenged.

              • @guojing
                -12 years ago

                Lmao you are swalling the nato propaganda hook line and sinker. Zero objectivity.

                • @pingveno
                  2 years ago

                  I’m looking at Russia’s real life ability to conduct operations. I don’t know what to tell you if you’re not convinced by their conga line of broken down tanks, unencrypted communication over simple VHF frequencies, and more deaths in a month and a half than the US had in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. The only thing saving Russia from being summarily kicked out of Ukraine right this moment is NATO’s desire to not escalate the situation any more than is strictly necessary.

                  As for air force, of the top 10 military branches in the world by number of aircraft, four of them are parts of the US armed forces.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          -72 years ago

          And no need to lie to people, create false flags, actually controlling a city in lesser time without some country that carpet bombs and still takes more time to conquer, and has insane weaponry without taking healthcare and other citizen amenities away with every annual budget.

          Damn Russia is so weak!

    • @guojing
      -52 years ago

      The elensky regime wants weapons, but the people who get terrorized by war crimes certainly dont. They are even giving out weapons to released prisoners and to people in the street. Many of those will end up on the black market, or in the hands of terrorists targeting Europe.