
  • 13 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2021


  • OratoLemmy*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    I think where he goes wrong is that he seems to indicate that he thinks there is a solution, that will allow gigantic monolithic social media platforms with millions of billions of users to exist with no tension about moderation policies and free speech limits,

    I didn’t get this impression at all.

  • Actually, what am I saying? It’s not like you’ve intervened. You haven’t established a no-fly zone, and you’re certainly not going to let Ukraine into NATO. The most you’ve done is send weapons, which only prolongs this. So maybe you do love it?

    TRUE. Can we stop pretending like weapons will fucking solve this?

  • I hear this type of thinking all the time. “COMMERCIAL PRODUCT has made an unpopular decision now users will flock to LIBRE PRODUCT” It usually only produces a small dent in marketshare that slowly comes back to the commercial product. If one’s been with Reddit this long, almost always the annoyance of everything being different at Lemmy is greater than the annoyance with whatever decision.