(from Reddit’s /u/ListenItWillHear)

  • comfy
    52 years ago

    I remember seeing some images about ‘commie blocks’ on twitter that a quick search discovered were just derelict gray apartments in Detroit, USA.

    Especially after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were a heap of “wow this supermarket looks like socialism” posts about empty shelves when they’re literally looking at capitalism. There’s a whole a subreddit (teddit link) of those.

    • @DerPapa69
      12 years ago

      Oh no, I should not have clicked on that. It’s early in the morning and now I’m angry already

    • @larry
      -12 years ago

      Things can have more than 1 cause. In this case they probably mean the effects of socialist policies disrupting something (supply chains) that would have otherwise worked smoothly. Not that hard to understand, even if you don’t agree.

      • comfy
        22 years ago

        From the context, their posts about empty shelves were quite clearly trying to draw comparisons to the stereotype notion of food shortages in USSR and PRC.

        It’s unambiguous. Policies or causes were not even hinted at in any way. “Probably” is certainly the wrong word here.