• Water Bowl Slime
    62 years ago

    So true. Libs think that by pointing out hypocrisy, we’re trying to make a false equivalency or to excuse wrongdoing via comparisons to something worse.

    No, the point is that the USA is weaponizing concern to push their agenda and silence dissent. Americans are the absolute last people who should be getting themselves involved in this conflict (more than they already have).

    • bruhbeans
      32 years ago

      Also, as a US citizen, I have little to say in what happens in China, Russia, Zanzibar, etc. But, I pax taxes in the us, vote in us elections, work and spend money in the US, so I have much more to say and do about what govt and business does here. It’s stupid for, say, US-based redditors to be getting all amped about who may or may not be in prison in China, when their own govt is jailing more people than any other nation.

      • @isleofmist
        12 years ago

        US has more prisoners per capita than any other nation.