My mom is in assisted living and I have a suspicion that the staff, or perhaps a resident, is taking her money. I need something that won’t look out of place and isn’t easily disabled, maybe it plays possum when unplugged but has battery backup. Anyone have any advice?

  • wuphysics87
    3 hours ago

    Assuming you live in the United States, you need to be aware of the laws in the state you live in. Many states are one party consent when it comes to recording. Which means if you and I are having a conversation, you can record it without telling me. One party has consented.

    If on the other hand, you install a camera without your mom’s knowledge, then you are not one of the two parties. This “evidence” could be thrown out of court as it is “illegally aquired”.

    Not to say you shouldn’t do it. Protect your mom’s property. I would just suggest looking into the local laws about it. I am also not a lawyer so you should look into your local laws or consult a lawyer.

      3 hours ago

      The problem isn’t just that it will be thrown out in court, it’s that it itself is illegal.

      Which doesn’t necessarily mean don’t do it but you’re limited in how you can reveal how you know things are being stolen etc.

      • wuphysics87
        2 hours ago

        Agreed. I’m not entirely (barely) versed in the law, but at the very least, if it’s a one party consent state, his mom would “have to set it up”.

        What’s less clear to me is why the drastic action? Start by leaving a 20 on the dresser and see if it stays there.