Has someone or something stolen from you? Do you know who/what it was? Did it affect you? Do you care?
Doesn’t have to be serious.
Share your stories!
Has someone or something stolen from you? Do you know who/what it was? Did it affect you? Do you care?
Doesn’t have to be serious.
Share your stories!
my father gave me a lesson once when my bike was stolen when i was a child. he told me that they did it because they felt they had to; not because they wanted to target me and that remaining angry about it was unproductive because they will never know nor care.
i try to apply that same lesson every time someone wrongs me.
That’s some good stuff. Like it’s on them. It’s why I try not to get upset if someone’s having a mood swing or something. Cause that’s on them, not me. But it can be harder to practice the more toes that get stepped on.