• @pingveno
    2 years ago

    Just like any vote in such a body, resolutions are often submitted in bad faith to make another country look bad. The US went into depth on its decision, which included a refusal by Russia to engage on points of contention by the US.

    Let us ignore the 5 centuries of imperialist divide and conquer history full of interventions and genocides and stealing.

    This perplexes me. Who are you even talking about?

    • @ksynwa
      72 years ago

      Just like any vote in such a body, resolutions are often submitted in bad faith to make another country look bad.

      What a weird claim. This is a trend that I am hearing about for the first time. Apparently UN is platform for jealous shitty countries to sling shit on the USA, the greatest country in the world.

      Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia

      Here is the a link to the draft: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3946807?ln=en

      It has 16 authors:

      • Armenia
      • Belarus
      • Cambodia
      • China
      • Côte d’Ivoire
      • Cuba
      • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
      • Eritrea
      • Lao People’s Democratic Republic
      • Nicaragua
      • Pakistan
      • Russian Federation
      • South Africa
      • Syrian Arab Republic
      • Uzbekistan
      • Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

      Russia did not single-handedly draft it to “make US look bad”. Even then it is good enough for almost all of the world but the US and Ukraine.

      The reason is right there in the explanation you linked to:

      The United States Supreme Court has consistently affirmed the constitutional right to freedom of speech and the rights of peaceful assembly and association, including by avowed Nazis, whose hatred and xenophobia are vile and widely scorned by the American people.

      It isn’t because RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. USA literally supports the rights of Nazis to assemble and protest.

      • @pingveno
        -12 years ago

        Russia did not single-handedly draft it to “make US look bad”. Even then it is good enough for almost all of the world but the US and Ukraine.

        It did not do so single-handedly, but there is a definite theme there when you start looking at alliances. Specifically, almost every country listed has a strong relationship with Russia, China, or both.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker
      2 years ago

      The resolution seems rather simple to me, condemning Nazism and all the racist ecosystem that comes with it. Ukraine has Azov Battalion as part of its military, NATO interests seem clear, NATO was founded by literally Adolf Heusinger (read who he was), and for some reason Germany abstained from voting against Nazism. Ukraine becoming NATO partner means USA can go to war with China and Russia whenever it wants, since it is geographically located in a position almost similar to Afghanistan.

      In case you do not know why USA occupied Afghanistan for 20 years, this will do you some good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVmliB0rVIo

      Who do you think colonised and genocided and did foreign interventions in the last 5 centuries? It was not China or Russia or North Korea. Read some imperialist history if you seriously lack that much knowledge.

      If you still argue against Russia, wanting Ukraine’s NATO-ization, then it will be clear you are not arguing in good faith.