If you do, then what exactly defines a soul in your view?

  • OceanSoap
    2 years ago

    I’m agnostic. I do believe we have a soul, I just think we haven’t discovered what it actually is yet. Like, scientifically we’re not quite able to explain yet what makes a soul a soul. I’m not sure if a soul disconnects and “moves on” somewhere/somehow after a body death, or if it also dies out with the body, but I like to think there is a disconnection there. I agree that it makes me feel better about death in general, so yeah, maybe that’s why I so easily accept such an idea?

    But, it feels like more than that to me. It’s fundamentally what makes each of us individualistic in terms of the choices we make. It’s what makes me, “me.”

    I’m going to tie this in with abortion, so I apologize in advance, Lol, but I’m 100% convinced that the abortion debate will never come to a conclusion unless we discover what a soul is scientifically. Right now the picking at random physical stages, like a heartbeat or lung formation/ability only goes so far, because it doesn’t explain what makes each individual so individualistic. No one will ever convince someone who believes a soul starts at conception that abortion from the start is anything but murder. (To be clear, I’m pro-life, though 100% believe there’s a cut-off point).

    So, to sum it all up: yes, there’s a soul, though i dont tie it to any god or religion. yes, I believe one day we’ll prove there’s a soul scientifically, we just aren’t there yet.