• @Josh_Drake@lemmygrad.ml
    12 years ago

    You’re missing my point. You’re focusing way too much on western countries and not enough on eastern ones and then being surprised at your own conclusion. It’s no wonder why you tried to limit other users from posting much about China.

    Why does this even have to be about western countries? They are useless compared to eastern countries when it comes to solving our current crises, and eastern countries are in a position to dictate the terms of world politics, and one of the reasons western countries will be irrelevant is because eastern countries don’t suffer from the same hubris that western countries do. Actually investing in their infrastructure also helps.

    And that is why I laugh when some western doomerist screams ‘game over for humanity’ on his article.

    • @pimento@lemmygrad.mlOP
      02 years ago

      Hold up. The article is talking about economics in the United States and in the European Union. Why are you talking about China or comparisons with eastern countries all of a sudden? If you dont know what the topic is, there is no sense in having any discussion.