I’ve used VS Code for a long time, but have recently grown weary of Microsoft’s approach to OSS. I’ve checked out VS Codium which seems like it might be a great option.

What text editor are you using?

  • @a_Ha
    2 years ago

    Sorry, i am the wrong guy for this, i only have few hours reading on SSH. My programming : fortrand, basic, c, python, was sporadic for some projects over the years, never was my main job !
    PS : I know the size of an install by doing :
    sudo apt install ******
    this “******” being the name of the program you want to install, internet unplugged so the installation doesn’t happen.

    • @GenkiFeral
      22 years ago

      yes. I guess I thought that was how much storage it took up on a disk, but I’d like to know that before reading about what it does, how it works. Found this the other day and love it (for command line): │ps -eo cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head No need to install anything on Debian to use it.