    12 years ago
    • Sweden and Netherlands do not ban cars.
    • They changed streets to support bicycles in cities. This is not banning cars.
    • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
      12 years ago

      They “ban” parking lots in many parts of the cities, isn’t this nearly the same as banning cars?

      • CHEF-KOCH
        12 years ago

        I would partially agree with such logic, but there are reasons

        • They want to encourage using bicycles or other solutions, or use the space for something more efficient.
        • Space reasons, it is easier to park lots of bicycles than cars.
        • Keep in mind that the street system in mentioned countries were always better than in the rest of the world, you just cherry-picked such examples to make your point, I get it. But you cannot apply such techniques in New York, it would require billions of money to restructure the entire city.

        I get your idea and I agree that - we should - approach similar things in all cities, but it will not happen for various reasons.