Looks good! i recommend Ken Forkish’s book “flour water salt yeast”. im a big fan of his poolish recipe.
Looks good! i recommend Ken Forkish’s book “flour water salt yeast”. im a big fan of his poolish recipe.
Get down to 180lbs, continue cardio training, be able to bike the big hill I live up.
looks like there nearly as many shortages listed before the pandemic; 210 in late 2019: https://web.archive.org/web/20190829140928/https://www.ashp.org/drug-shortages/current-shortages/drug-shortages-list?page=CurrentShortages
Not arguing that the current situation is a disgrace, though. Private industry can’t provide for people’s needs and we’re not allowed any alternatives.
I recently started a booze hiatus and was extremely surprised that NA beers are as good as they are. Side benefit is the absence of alcohol makes me less likely to grab follow-up beers which avoids empty calories.
I’m confident whoever’s eating this isn’t using any additional seasonings beyond salt.
Appreciate it, comrade.
Good call, I just ordered a copy.
Sounds like you’re not a fan of PSL. I’m interested why that is if you care to share.
This is why you never connect smart tvs to the internet.
Watched Triangle of Sadness last night. It’s a satire comedy film and has some actual Marxist themes, plus marx and Lenin quotes, and is hilarious. I have a feeling comrades here will want to see it.
I like making vegetarian chili. Not sure how common this is outside the u.s. but it’s a stew made from ground peppers, usually tomatoes, often beans, and other ingredients as well. Recently I’ve started making my own chili puree by roasting dried peppers, simmering in water, then blending before adding to the rest of the stew. Doing this instead of using off the shelf chili powder is cool because the flavor can be tailored by choosing pepper varieties, which is nice because my partner has a very low spice tolerance, and different varieties impart different flavors. I’m hoping to achieve a mole chili some day. The recipe I’ve used also adds hominy (like big corn kernels) and sweet potato, which are unusual but delicious. And marmite, which I like finding a reason to use
I like cooking vegetarian and chili works well.
I smoked my turkey this year! Also did another thing different and spatchcocked it and used the backbone and neck to make gravy.
That’s an impressive number of dishes to prepare by yourself! Well done, comrade.
Hah, great point, when they come out I remember Ricky saying something like “Great, your gay, so what?” And then continuing on calling Lahey and Randy assholes, and then it kind of is a non-issue.
I have a high theory that Sunnyvale is a kind of utopia in that apparently no one works and people seem to spend a lot of time together as a community, even if it’s generally to antagonize one another.
It was a good year for me, but if I had to pick one thing it would be the deepening of my meditation practice. Ive been pretty consistent and it’s paying off in a lot of ways. I find it hard to put to words what meditation practice does for me, but I think it’s helped me understand and regulate my emotions better, and makes life more tolerable and enjoyable by helping me figure out how my mind works. If nothing else, having a 35 min refuge every morning is useful.
Toilet humor. Trailer park boys. Steve Brule. Tim & Eric.
Thank you, comrade.
Can you say more what you mean by the creation of deflation, please?
2023 Russia is not The Soviet Union.