and depression after… more deep
and depression after… more deep
So who are the judges, you ask? Who are they all! How to call those people, countries that invade foreign and countries, which have their own way of life, traditions, way of thinking, a different understanding of life… I want to ask
Why do you always say: dictator, murderer, enslaver, etc. What can you theorists know about this? Do you even know how people lived under Saddam Hussein, the most developed medicine, complete tolerance of religion, there were no Islamic states, Houthis, etc., one of the highest standards of living and its quality in the region, the same thing happened in Libya during the time of Gaddafi, Muammar’s state flourished and what is happening now in both states? Islamist’s, states torn to shreds, complete lawlessness… Should I continue… China?! How is this not a dictatorship? And that your computers are made in China, iPhones, cars… nothing?!
Were you in Syria in 1995? Of course not and you don’t know or wouldn’t want to know how they lived, and they lived very well, better than now, for example, the Baltic countries, etc. Dictator, dictator… You have to think sometimes!
Deltachat have same interface like TG. They can help you.
Alpine Linux if ARM7 but it is older arm i think
It is treated, it’s better to go on a diet, for example VLCD or something (go to pubmed) ⚠️Аnd of course, consult a doctor before dieting.
Eyes, motivation, you can’t drink all night and only sleep for three hours, and in general it’s better to drink at home, it’s better to lie on the couch, lack of interest in many things… taking care of children’s health is above your own etc.
All SSD it’s lottery, it doesn’t matter WD, Kingdian or something else… And all them from China, don’t de nationalist… IPhone made in China! So what?!
Sure about this information. Was there?! Sure that Russian do this from sofa? Read/watch less propaganda and all be OK.
Any .jxl GUI converter for linux?