O Galdo

I’m here to have some conversation, look for information and learn new things. Besides the Galician (Portuguese far from the north), I write in castellano, english et français.

  • 8 Posts
Joined il y a 3 ans
Cake day: 10 décembre 2021


  • Yes, but I guess what is limited is access to those resources from a site running on WP Engine servers. I also assume that users can download the themes from outside WP Engine and install them anyway.

    The Subversion repositories with the code are also public. Anyone can use them. There is no restriction of freedom by restricting access to such a repository, if the code is still publicly available.

    This way WP Engine still has the opportunity to mount its plugin and theme repositories, without taking abusive advantage of the WordPress repository infrastructure.

    There is work, energy consumption and so on behind it. Expenses that WP Engine is not taking on and does not even want to compensate for.

    Automattic’s reaction may seem like overkill, but it’s a clear and forceful wake-up call to companies that are out to parasite their work and infrastructure. They do it because they have a privileged position. I think they are right to do so.

    This does not mean that somebody could criticize a possible lack of consistency when Automattic is the company that adopts abusive attitudes towards third parties.

  • Lo mismo hemos podido llegar a pensar algunos hispanohablantes acerca de nuestra experiencia como alumnos de lenguas extranjeras, incluyendo el inglés.

    Primero se debería de mejorar el nivel hablado, a base de conversaciones que partan de situaciones cotidianas. Después ir mejorándolo e introduciendo la enseñanza del idioma escrito, con sus normas.

    Pero no, pretenden que aprendamos todo simultáneamente, aún encima dejando de lado la conversación.

  • The FSF has clear guidelines and follows them rigorously, nothing else. It’s good that they don’t make exceptions. Any problem with microcode or other proprietary drivers starts with the fact that they are not free. Making exceptions would partially solve the problem, but the situation would not change significantly, and the FSF would then be violating its own principles.

    The FSF’s job in this regard is to try to open debate about the problems of not having free security patches and, in any case, to try to uncover hidden vulnerabilities in proprietary tools and facilitate the creation of free tools that solve the problems.

  • I’ve been using it since before this landing from Reddit. First of all, to participate in a free platform and not dependent on large multinationals. I do it, first of all, in the hope that small local communities will emerge that allow us to talk about our local problems and that they can be shared with other communities through the federation.

    Let them be software platforms that work from the local to the global and not the other way around, as the big corporations pretend.

  • At least in other Fediverse services you can’t search post content in searches, only hashtags. It would be desirable that this would be the case for all federated services.

    At least that it could be configured on each server and that the other federated servers would respect the privacy settings of the servers on which each post was published.

    It may be a little difficult to implement, but it is desirable to maintain that philosophy with respect to privacy.

    In any case, there have already been cases of bots (crawlers) collecting data in instances of the Fediverse. Although measures can be taken and at a legal level, at least in Europe, it is reportable, technically these can be done, outside the Law.