Title. With the ubc subreddit opening back up again it’ll probably be much harder to enough of a network effect going unless we have some coordination with the reddit mods.

Personally I’m trying to transition away from user-hostile software and minimize my exposure to proprietary software in general. The reddit API changes didn’t affect me personally but I don’t want to support the company by continuing to use it. How about you guys?

  • O Galdo
    2 years ago

    I’ve been using it since before this landing from Reddit. First of all, to participate in a free platform and not dependent on large multinationals. I do it, first of all, in the hope that small local communities will emerge that allow us to talk about our local problems and that they can be shared with other communities through the federation.

    Let them be software platforms that work from the local to the global and not the other way around, as the big corporations pretend.