• 75 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2020


  • The game itself was for me mid - not good not bad, but the ending? I can’t believe no one mentioned it yet, that was the most impressive ending I’ve experienced in a game ever. Without spoilers, for those who played it, the piano notes and then darkness, I couldn’t believe it, it was so good.

  • KorytoLinux GamingNobara 40 released
    8 days ago

    Oh yes, that’s entirely my own fault. I first installed Aurora, then Steam as Flapak and later rebased to Bazzite. It was all just for trying stuff out, on my main machine, the install will be clean.

  • KorytoLinux GamingNobara 40 released
    9 days ago

    Oh I think I’ve found my answer, it was about SELinux being disabled. Now it says on their official website: "SELinux:

    – We have replaced SELinux with AppArmor (AppArmor is used in Ubuntu and OpenSUSE) as we find it to be more user-friendly, less intrusive, and easier to write policies for. You will still see some SELinux packages as they are required to keep Fedora compatibility and not break package dependencies."

  • KorytoLinux GamingNobara 40 released
    9 days ago

    I am very interested in what you are saying. I’ve been trying Bazzite for a while now and I ran into some quirks I couldn’t resolve - tiny stuff, that’s mainly a small inconvenience like not being able to put icons on the desktop with Steam due to it being Flatpak and Valve not having enabled that specific option) -

    BUT -

    I’ve also tried Nobara then was kinda put off by people saying something along the lines, that GE disabled some security features for better performance (and since it was a distro for personal use at first) and I tried to search for the details, but came up empty. Could you say a bit more about this or where I could find more info, please? Cause I’m using my distro as daily driver and not only for gaming, so it got me worried a little.

  • For me its Subnautica because the progression works so well. I’ve tried lots of survival games and sandbox games with similar progression afterwards, but none of them had the same impact on me. It’s also because of the genre - Sci-fi on an alien planet, discovering what actually happened, and all that baked into some real satisfying gaming loop. Also, without spoilers, the end sequence always makes me emotional, regardless of how many times I’ve played it. It just speaks to me on a personal level.

  • 😂 Well, at the beginning I was a bit lost and a friend played with me for like half an hour and then I knew the basics. After that you look things up that you want to know more about, but it’s not necessary to have the wiki open all the time. The game actually has a quite clear progression and hints on first playthrough.