Here’s the OG article from the Chinese military. Scary stuff if you’re opposed to US or capitalist hegemony -
Here’s the OG article from the Chinese military. Scary stuff if you’re opposed to US or capitalist hegemony -
There it is, then. The future of the country. DeSantis will be worse than even Trump.
That guy does not look 47 wtf. I’d have thought he was in his 60s at least when he croaked.
That’s a pretty nice list of services. I’d love an add-on version of
Jesus. Thank you for sharing this.
Horrifying. Haven’t seen the whole thing yet. Would love to see an update.
Trading permanent hostilities with your largest neighbour in exchange for extra security from said neighbour. We live in depressing times.
awarding 12 protesters a total of $14 million in compensation following a three-week trial.
If this catches on, we’re looking at billions of dollars worth of compensation. Hopefully it comes out of the bloated police budget, and not just by taxing people.
In a statement, the NDP outlined key policies the parties have agreed to advance as part of the agreement, including a dental care programme for low-income Canadians and a universal prescription-drug coverage programme.
They also pledged to continue fighting the climate crisis and phase out public financing of the fossil-fuel sector.
This is very good. Hopefully, there is a concrete follow through on these promises and pledges. Otherwise, both the Liberals and the NDP are going to suffer in 2025 and the Cons would win. Even worse, the far-right PPC might get seats and more power.
This is capitalism in the Rust Belt in a nutshell: That which is killing you is also feeding you. A lot of this country runs on Appalachian resources, but most people don’t know where those resources come from. We don’t make this process visible. Instead, we have an American narrative of convenience. Things just come to us.
It is much easier to extract coal and natural gas in a way that endangers people, or to make water undrinkable, if people aren’t seen as real people. Corporations use stereotypes to convince outsiders that Appalachians don’t deserve better.
There are fewer and fewer jobs in Appalachia—people are overdosing and struggling. Anger and blame are a place where people go when they are suffering. They’re establishing beliefs in a context of [right-wing] narratives that are being offered. The left needs to create counter-narratives at an equal pace that don’t involve targeting others.
Wonderful article. There are so many interesting books I want to read, but so little time. Alas! I’ll have to be content with just the article/interview for now.
Very detailed post. Thanks for sharing. I’m saving it for now, but will give it a read later. You could also make it a post on its own.
if you give a user community powerful enough creator tools, what they create in these worlds will be far more interesting than anything a major company can officially create.
This is a very good article. In a way, it shows the change that technology companies (and the people who make and engage with it) have undertaken over the last twenty years. Makes me want to try Second Life.
Yeah that’s definitely something that stumps me too. I guess I just say that the ex-Soviet states weren’t perfect and had a lot of flaws but they did a lot of good (which you never hear about) and they would’ve done a lot more if they didn’t need to constantly fight against the Western capitalists who tried to kill them (and their revolution) at every step.