• @ThePJN@sopuli.xyz
    81 year ago

    I know what they’re going for but yeah it does seem like an iffy move to sign everyone up for a main server. Unless they’re letting people get settled and then emailing/encouraging them after a couple weeks/months to change instances?

    Problem with that being that most people won’t want to move after setting things up in the first place.

      • @maegul
        1 year ago

        Yea, generally agreed all round here. For me, the ideal solution is a landing / newbies instance where your account can only last for a fixed period coupled with a focus on making it super easy to move your account.

        Putting that aside however, I think the signal here is pretty clear. Mastodon now has a big brand and product with users who have criticisms and scope to grow. And now they acknowledge it, as it’s gotten real for them, so they’re taking it seriously as a centralised organisation would and arguably should. They’ve got their app, landing page, and obviously big fat server.

        All up, an open source crowd funded alternative to Twitter, which is actually pretty cool. And by the looks of it, a bunch of powerful changes are coming that are really going to transform the platform from a niche safe place to a mainstream social media platform (search, post mobility, quotes, groups).

        But for the rest of the fediverse, the giant gorilla now knows how strong it is and is willing to stretch and flex its muscles. Something like 1/7 of the fediverse is on mastodon.social. They could be completely defederated and not care that much.

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    61 year ago

    To make this step easier, we now have a default sign-up option that works with a server we operate.

    I am not a fan.

    • ᗪᗩᗰᑎ
      51 year ago

      I personally don’t really care for this change, but it would have been nice - although I understand it would have taken significant time/effort to develop that could be used in other areas with the limited resources - if there was some criteria to create a selection of instances that would be randomly selected based on something like:

      1. instance age - Your instance must be active for N months/(years?) to qualify to ensure rando spawns that may die a week later don’t impact users, as well as being able to track the next rule:
      2. instance reliability - If there is a way to track this, only include instances that meet a specific number and maintained it for the last N months. It would suck to throw users into an unreliable instance, or one that started off great but started going south in the last 3 months.
      3. same server rules and privacy policy - To ensure a “family friendly” set of default instances that people could easily join without having to overthink it.

      Not sure what else they could track, but those three would be a good start, though admittedly a lot of additional work.

    • @Lost_Wanderer@beehaw.org
      31 year ago

      Seems like it is only new users that sign up on JoinMastodon. Seems you can go to any of the servers QOTO, C.IM, Fosstodon, Infosec., etc. and still sign up directly.