crossposted from here:

I believe that XMPP is one of the best protocols for chat communications there is, and I stand up for it. However, the clients that there are, are not comfortable for most people out there used to apps like Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever.

One can defend current XMPP clients saying that quoting with "> " is the traditional way, or that swiping to quote a message is not worth developing; I have plenty more examples like this.
Well, if you think so, OK, use those clients for yourself, but become aware that many people won’t use XMPP for just this reason.

After saying all this, I want to tell that I am willing to develop a new, modern looking and comfortable client for XMPP. I think of a client for Android in first instance, but I would have no problem on going further.

However, I don’t know programming, so I’m searching programmers who would like to get involved in this.
Although I’m not programmer, I have experience developing software projects, from internationalization to documentation, including ideas about features, testing and all other work there can be.

Will you help me spreading the word? :)

        3 years ago

        It’s decentralized, but federated. Email isn’t considered Fediverse either and I think it’s closer to xmpp. That said, I think both could become federated if other applications used their protocols and now that I think about it there’s at least a messenger using email protocol, so it probably is?

      • Blinky
        3 years ago

        Discord and matrix can bridge, but that doesn’t make discord fediverse :p Also, the wikipedia needs updating then, because matrix was on the fediverse page, but was removed due to it not being considered fediverse. Which i think would also apply to xmpp


        • smallcirclesM
          3 years ago

          Yes, it is a good point. What constitutes Fediverse and what not if often in the eye of the beholder. Maybe it is best to stick to the picture above as that seems to represent the most common understanding of it. The other day I was having a discussion with someone saying that Lemmy isn’t part of the Fediverse, since it doesn’t federate with other common fedi apps as yet (Mastodon, etc.). Couldn’t find where I had that conversation, but I disagree of that definition. I see the protocol implementation as the deciding factor, and the level of interoperability as irrelevant Fediverse ‘citizenship’ (in a future hyper-diverse fedi almost no app will have full compat with all the others anyway, while they all support some of the ‘social fabric’ that fedi offers).

          • Blinky
            3 years ago

            in a future hyper-diverse fedi almost no app will have full compat with all the others anyway,

            This is a very good point.

            Maybe fediverse’s definition should be changed to include all FOSS federated decentralized services?