This has nothing to do with politics at all, just casual thoughts, I had to vent somewhere. Maybe it’s just me being a bit doomer or something, but my siblings, almost all of my friends and most of the people I know usually agree. You know how older people say that they miss 1980s for example, that’s basically how I view first half of 2010s for newer generation.

Everything was so much better then: internet, movies, TV shows, games, popular stuff, as for the internet, most of popular trash today was non existent including cringe ‘‘trends’’ etc, reddit wasn’t as popular and as talked about as today, there was Google+ and YouTube was best with Markiplier playing horror games being mainstream, Balkan YouTube being at it’s peak(anyone who is from countries of ex-Yugoslavia will know about what I’m talking about), Minecraft, GTA V, ARK Survival Evolved, Creepypastas, indie games, Pokemons everywhere, you name it. Movies were better and better every year (props to Cocaine Bear and few more recent movies which are actually good ofc), while today most of the movies are either boring sequels, ruining originals or terrible remakes, with newer games also doing the same thing.

It was 2017 when everything started going to shit on the internet, very early 2017 started good, but then in about mid 2017 everything changed: dramas and cringe trends started on internet, open racism on social media started becoming more frequent, people complaining about everything etc, reddit and TikTok becoming more popular, good social media getting shut down or ruined with updates, cringe games becoming popular while old ones including literal Minecraft went into irrelevancy(it came back later thankfully) etc.

And life was so much better then in general, not everyone was complaining and depressed irl, I remember every day after school going with siblings and friends on sports center across the street from school and spending whole day there. Today, it wouldn’t be even possible since almost everyone I know is depressed and very closed in, including new people I meet, everyone is basically just looking after themselves closed and not giving a shit about anyone or anything if you know what I mean. People are just becoming depressed shells more and more, what is up with that? Not so long ago before a few years, this would be unimaginable and here we are. I’m saying 2012-2016 since that was the best time imo. As I said, my siblings agree with me, most of my friends also but they just kind of don’t know why is that.

Does anyone else feel the same or similar about that time?

  • I don’t quite feel that way. Seemed like the same mediocre quality of entertainment. People try to explain to me why Marvel sucks now, why Star Wars sucks now, why music sucks now but as far as I’m concerned if those things suck now they sucked in the first half of the 2010s too. (Interestingly enough I was just discussing with my partner how they think cocaine bear is an unwelcomed return to the last decade.)

    I do not miss watching family guy or south park. I will admit that some music from that time is nostalgic in the way that any dad rock is. And many things like post-9/11 and post 2008 melancholy, black fishing, orientalism, white feminism, demobiliizing ideologies, and rape culture are still front in center as if the clock hasn’t ticked a second.

    I remember being abused by restaurants and wearing a hazmat suit for $9 an hour throughout the whole decade and that sucked way waaay more for me then than going to school during Covid. I know that is not everyones experience however. I’m now aware of things that are making a positive impact on the world, I’m more educated, more grounded, and maybe a bit more self aware. I would not really enjoy reliving the 2010s because I’d just be waiting to get back to now. I’d feel like how I think the young people around me seel today feeling out what their lives will be like. I feel done with that and I don’t miss it.

    • QueerCommie
      61 year ago

      I agree that most of that stuff wasn’t much better ten years ago, but things have gotten worse. At least marvel was innovative and new 20 years ago, if it was just expensive defense industry propaganda, but now they are just trying to nostalgia-bate people for a near guaranteed profit. Similarly with Star Wars, but it declined starting in the early 00’s. Mainstream music has also gotten worse, up through the 80’s hip hop was diverse and innovative, but now they’ve created a formula for music that will always sell and just go off that.

      • QueerCommie
        21 year ago

        Agreed, I’d be happy with a world where The Force Awakens doesn’t even if it means neither does Andor

    1 year ago

    To me this is all a symptom of the underlying disease which is the long crisis of capitalism that started in 2008 and has been kicked into overdrive since around 2016. When the material economic base of society starts to crumble sooner or later so does the cultural superstructure, the arts included. As profit margins shrink corporations, even the pseudo-monopolies, are forced to resort to ever more scummy means of making money. At the same time the worsening material conditions also result in an increase in the toxicity and polarization of the societal discourse as people seek to blame everything but the system itself.

    Of course the early 2000s should not be romanticized as they were also not a time when things were exactly going great, there is a reason why the 2008 crash happened, and going back a bit further, the 90s weren’t all that the nostalgia would have you believe either, even in the West where there was a massive infusion of cheap goods from the opening up of China, as well as the cheap energy, resources and virtually free wealth from the cannibalizing of the former Soviet Union and the almost complete opening up of much of the global south to unopposed neo-colonial plundering… there were still deep socio-economic problems that were being papered over by the general enthusiasm that came with the illusion that capitalist imperialism had won.

    All of this is a product of the inherent contradictions of capitalism, particularly in its neoliberal form, culminating in inevitable crashes, each subsequent one being worse than the last and each permanently damaging the economic health of the system, leaving more and more people in a more precarious state than they were before. The general socioeconomic malaise then manifests as various cultural pathologies such as those that you describe. These are all signs of a system and a model of society in terminal decline. In places like China where there is a positive trajectory the mood is the exact opposite: a general political consensus, a flourishing culture and social harmony.

        111 year ago

        The 90s in the west wasn’t the largest non wartime humanitarian disaster like it was in the Eastern bloc. A lot of westerners have nostalgia for the 90s.

            71 year ago

            90s kid here - yeah we were pretty ignorant. I still have nostalgia for that period because it’s my youth, things were simpler then, because I didn’t understand how horrible the world was, and a lot of the culture of that time is permanently imprinted on my mind.

    1 year ago

    GamerGirl incident and the explosion of alt-right with Sargon of Akkad, Tim Pool, Trump and the likes killed most of it around 2015-16. The effects started to be seen around 2017 correctly as you observe. Chans like 4chan, 8chan, 2ch and the likes were intact until then, and there was almost no obsession with destruction of internet history, or as much Twitter cancel culture as there is now.

    I think this carefree-ness is celebrated so much because most of us who remember it, lived these times until we became adults, and as the last of millenials or the earliest zoomers, enjoyed arguably the best childhood to pre-adult spanning years in human history.

    To add a little to this time span celebrated so much, I would say 2007-2012 was even better in this regard. However, as we now know, life is a lot more than the little fantasy world we lived in as kids or young adults, and we just did not see, feel and understand the horrors of western capitalist entities and infrastructure behind this fantasy world playground we enjoyed so much. It was our circus in the “bread and circus”.

  • once corporations noticed the profitability of the internet, they wanted in on it, to make profit through it.

    the fastest way to make money through something is that people use it more than anything, make them mad and looking at drama, to increase conflict so you have to see a 12 part analysis on why did [important youtuber] fucked his cat or whatever. its a process that was happening even before 2012, the fact that it wasnt obvious then does not mean it wasnt happening.

    youre also experiencing nostalgia of a time you were unburdened by a lot of things. gamergate was fairly big by then.

    it couldnt have happened any other way.

    now you can just hope that someone tries to revive that atmosphere in a obscure mastodon instance or something. is a site that helps with learning to do website stuff if you want to make a little shrine of those times. hope this helps

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      I would just like at least something from that time to come back and some cringe from today to be gone even if little. YouTube then was literally just having fun, after it was all dramas and for profit. Memes also became as funny as looking at stone wall, they were actually funny back then.

        81 year ago

        We cannot turn back time. Western capitalism is never going to return to what it was 10 years ago, let alone 20 or 30. The decline spiral has no reverse gear. And this affects all the various facets of society including entertainment and popular culture. And in this case there is the added factor that the incentives of the system were always such that sooner or later the profit motive would dictate that a certain type of more commercial and more divisive content would prevail.

    131 year ago

    I definitely get what you mean.

    I’ve been interested in politics since I was like 14—to the point of being an open communist and actually reading about fascism from a young age. I saw the occasional Nazi or racist crap here and there, but I put it all down to trolling or an extremely small number of crazies. By 2015 I had heard of sites such as Iron March (fascist website) but I just put that down to, again, a very small number of people.

    Then 2016 hit.

    I remember one film in particular, starring Daniel Radcliffe called Imperium, released a trailer by then. I decided to check it out on YouTube and, for some reason, I decided to read the comments. Aside from a fair few jokes like ‘You’re a Grand Wizard, Harry!’ which were pretty amusing, the comments were absolutely filled with white nationalist apologia with hundreds of upvotes.

    Seeing that really shocked me, as I was so accustomed to seeing Nazis/racists/fascists getting shat on. I figured it was simply a joke, but some of the people engaging with the Nazis received entire essays full of racist bile, yet they were written by people who had a decent command of the English language—it blew the idea that Neo-Nazis were this tiny group of uneducated extremists out of my head.

    In 2016 I heard about the dregs of the internet such as /pol/ as well as the rise of the ‘alt right’. Antifa getting condemned for punching Nazis. I genuinely couldn’t believe that people were defending the latter group, to the extent it had penetrated the mainstream. I remember even watching a video called ‘What is Fascism’ and the top comment, with thousands of votes, was saying ‘Fascism is coming back? Hell yeah!’ It became very difficult for me to enjoy some of the media I consumed. Extreme Metal is filled with Nazis, YouTube was recommending me far-right shit, fandoms I was in were riddled with them. And yet all everyone wanted to talk about was, at the time, the evil ‘SJWs’.

    Of course this all coincided with some seminal events that have set a precedent for today’s even more divided politics. Migration crisis, Brexit, Trump, Le Pen, Hofer, you name it. Every country seemed to be experiencing a sharp rise in far-right rhetoric and every news article I read was filled with comments that would make Hitler blush. Every language-learning Discord server I joined had been infiltrated by mods who banned you over the slightest left-wing sentiment.

    Things probably got to their worst point by 2017 as that was when the alt right was in full swing, the online left presence (even if it is shit now) was non-existent then, and even some prominent (I guess you could call them this) internet ‘celebrities’ such as JonTron and PewDiePie echoed far-right sentiments. Since then there’s been a lot more pushback, but far-right content was permitted for so long that it’s now become an incontrovertible part of every social media platform.

    On a less political note, I do agree that 2017 was a massive cultural change for me. There is so much music I didn’t like from the early-2010s that sounds bittersweet to me now, because even though I never went out of my way to listen to them, those melodies are fresh in my head and I can even name who wrote them (most of the time) and say where I was when I heard these songs. After 2017, I could barely name a single song; nothing has ever stood out to me since then. I don’t want to sound like a gatekeeper, but all music today genuinely sounds the same to me with trap beats and mumble rap.

    Not just music either, but take for example games, cartoons, anime and TV shows. Every game that gets released these days receives massive hate, massive controversy after taking ages to develop. When I think of games from the early 2010s and before, there seemed to be a wider variety of new ideas; a lot of what’s coming out now consists of sequels, remasters/remakes because they’re trying to hook on to that golden era. Quite a few shows I watched ended around 2017-19, and since then, there’s never really been anything to supplant them.

    On the topic of memes, I find them pretty indigestible now. I can watch memes from early-2010s and before and still laugh, but a lot of them now don’t get much of a reaction from me.

    I can’t tell whether the latter part is just me being an adult.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      The thing is, the politics was non-existent for me and many people I know back then. me and my siblings literally only knew about Tito and SFRY when older people talk about it and that Putin is president of Russia, that’s it. So I don’t know for any of that.

      You said it perfectly, massive cultural change, music is cringe today, literally not a single memorable song after Despacito, movies are worse, either shitty sequels, ruining originals or remakes, as for TV shows, we had Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones(before it turned to shit with season 8) back then, Pokemons being popular, animes such as Danganronpa, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto etc being popular and animes being wholesome as opposed to whatever it is today, not a single game worth playing since 2017, many indie horror games which were promising and hyping to be good, turned out trash and often marketed towards little kids, big games being hyped and then rushed, then complaining 24/7 about them, milking and shitting on OGs with countless pointless sequels and unnecessary updates, you name it. Social media becoming cancer and ruined, cringe stuff overtaking, people complaining about everything, cancel culture, Twitter…

      That’s what I’m thinking about memes, I see early 2010s meme I saw countless times and still laugh, new memes are as funny as rock.

      It’s a fact that 2017 onward everything went downhill.

        1 year ago

        I think part of this also has to do with your age. We all tend to have nostalgia for and perceive the cultural media of our formative years as having been somehow better at the time, and as we move into adulthood we have the impression of a decline having taken place. If you grew up in the 90s, especially in the West, you would have said that the late 90s, early 00s were the golden age of video games. I remember having the same thoughts in 2010 that you are having now, i was disappointed with the direction that video games were taking and wished they could go back to what they were earlier. In hindsight it is quite obvious that i was associating these games with a simpler time in my life when i had less to worry about and was more oblivious of what was going on in the world.

        The same happens with other media like movies/tv. And the entertainment industry has figured out that they can capitalize for instance on 80s nostalgia with shows like Stranger Things. Those who grew up in the 80s absolutely idolize that time despite the fact that in many ways it was a total shitshow of a decade in which the lower classes were being ruined by Reaganite/Thatcherite neoliberalism while the rich were riding a high wave of enthusiasm at having succeeded in dismantling the postwar social democratic consensus. What is going on in society as a whole is always reflected in the culture and arts as well, in movies, tv shows, and later video games, these all strongly tend to match the Zeitgeist of the time.

        • Not quite since I was already missing that time only a year later after 2017, decline is 100% there. Some of us are still kids and we still miss it. Movies now mostly ruin originals or are boring, there. 1980 were good from what I hear until 1989 obviously, movies and media was best during that time, 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s were the golden age for most of the genres, that doesn’t make early 1990s good of course.

          As I said a few times, this is all ignoring the politics since previous decade was shit from the beginning, why do we have to count politics in deciding whether or not internet, movies, TV shows and games were better then?

            31 year ago

            As i said, you cannot ignore politics in this discussion since politics infiltrates everything. Media is part of the superstructure of society and is influenced to an enormous degree by the material basis. Media reflects the general mood of the time and developments in the political and economic spheres. For instance have you noticed how the rise of the gig economy coincided with the general adoption of predatory monetization practices in video games like DLC and micro-transactions? Or the trend of relying more on established franchises, sequels, prequels, spinoffs, etc. rather than inventing original new material which is due to the tightening of profit margins forcing corporate producers of movies, shows and video games to take less risks and go with the “safe” option.

            As Marxists we do not look at one element of society in isolation, we take a holistic view and look at the interactions of all the various parts of the system.

            • Yes but the thing is that I didn’t know shit back then about politics until like mid-late 2019 and still loved and missed that time as I still do now. And always hated exploiting the greatness of older movies to death with sequels, remakes etc.

        31 year ago

        You know what’s funny? I had the exact same in mind with regards to Despacito in 2017. I was never a real big fan of the song, but it’s probably the last real song that fits into the aforementioned bracket of ‘songs I heard and can remember where I was when I heard them’.

        And even though there are games that have come out I really enjoy, I find it extremely difficult to get into games these days. I often find myself playing games pre-2017. The only real exception to that was Red Dead Redemption 2, but again, that was a sequel to a concept that already existed. That said, it did take that universe to whole new heights, and had a much different feel; it didn’t feel as Western as the first one, ironically, in spite of its earlier setting. Not a criticism by any means however.

        I’ve definitely fallen behind on what’s ‘current’. I don’t even use TikTok at all, yet I know it’s probably the most popular social media now. For the longest time I was confined to just Facebook which appears to have gained status as popular amongst boomers now.

        2017 was before my last year of actual ‘school’, so I was still within the same environment I had been until my last year. 2017 was the year of this massive cultural change for me, and it certainly hasn’t helped that my early 20s have been entirely dominated by the Covid pandemic.

        • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago

          Fr, I just play classics before 2017, in early 2017, there were many promising horror games which were coming out and all of them turned out to be disappointment when they came out, because they were marketed towards little kids instead of going with original plans, story etc. No memorable songs past 2017, just few dozen good movies and nothing new interesting.

          Same with social media, it’s either shit or old ones got deleted or ruined with updates.

  • DankZedong
    131 year ago

    Could very well be the case for you personally. Cherish those moments instead of looking back on them with rage towards current day life. Don’t let your anger spoil the moments you made.

    1 year ago

    I definitely agree with you, maybe not on the same timeline, but the phenomenon itself definitely exists. I think it is a mixture of the current social conditions and also our stages in brain development that create these times in our heads where things were much “better.”

    I think there comes with life an inherent nostalgia for certain epochs of our lives, no matter how shit they were in reality. I can remember times in my life where I was completely miserable, yet I still look at the past with rose-colored glasses. This is not to invalidate the way you feel at all, it may have just been objectively better for you at that time. I’m just saying personally, this phenomenon happens for me regardless of the circumstances and I only realized it after taking a deep look at what went down in my life and how I feel about my life now.

    I think you should, like others said, cherish those moments because (as hard as this is to hear and accept) they are never coming back. Focus on creating a better future for yourself and society today, make these moments now a memory for future you to enjoy (I think that makes sense).


    Edit: this is not saying at all that things did not change. They absolutely did. I’m just saying these changes happen throughout human history and it’s more a matter of where we are in our lives that determine how big the blow is to our psyche

  • You’re not alone. I also wish for a way to experience the Pre-2015 internet again. I wonder if Chinese Internet has a similar atmosphere due to China putting corporates on a leash, unlike the west

    71 year ago

    Get more historical context and you’ll see this pattern is endemic to society. Where you draw the line has more to do with your age due to neural development stages than it has to do with actual social history. Cringe trends go back centuries. Storytelling trends evolve every year. Values are expressed in greater and greater levels of symbolism.

    It’s not the years in history. It’s the years in you

  • Arthur BesseA
    41 year ago

    no, the current dark age started between 2005-2007 with the rise of twitter and facebook and the release of the iphone