This has nothing to do with politics at all, just casual thoughts, I had to vent somewhere. Maybe it’s just me being a bit doomer or something, but my siblings, almost all of my friends and most of the people I know usually agree. You know how older people say that they miss 1980s for example, that’s basically how I view first half of 2010s for newer generation.

Everything was so much better then: internet, movies, TV shows, games, popular stuff, as for the internet, most of popular trash today was non existent including cringe ‘‘trends’’ etc, reddit wasn’t as popular and as talked about as today, there was Google+ and YouTube was best with Markiplier playing horror games being mainstream, Balkan YouTube being at it’s peak(anyone who is from countries of ex-Yugoslavia will know about what I’m talking about), Minecraft, GTA V, ARK Survival Evolved, Creepypastas, indie games, Pokemons everywhere, you name it. Movies were better and better every year (props to Cocaine Bear and few more recent movies which are actually good ofc), while today most of the movies are either boring sequels, ruining originals or terrible remakes, with newer games also doing the same thing.

It was 2017 when everything started going to shit on the internet, very early 2017 started good, but then in about mid 2017 everything changed: dramas and cringe trends started on internet, open racism on social media started becoming more frequent, people complaining about everything etc, reddit and TikTok becoming more popular, good social media getting shut down or ruined with updates, cringe games becoming popular while old ones including literal Minecraft went into irrelevancy(it came back later thankfully) etc.

And life was so much better then in general, not everyone was complaining and depressed irl, I remember every day after school going with siblings and friends on sports center across the street from school and spending whole day there. Today, it wouldn’t be even possible since almost everyone I know is depressed and very closed in, including new people I meet, everyone is basically just looking after themselves closed and not giving a shit about anyone or anything if you know what I mean. People are just becoming depressed shells more and more, what is up with that? Not so long ago before a few years, this would be unimaginable and here we are. I’m saying 2012-2016 since that was the best time imo. As I said, my siblings agree with me, most of my friends also but they just kind of don’t know why is that.

Does anyone else feel the same or similar about that time?

    1 year ago

    I don’t quite feel that way. Seemed like the same mediocre quality of entertainment. People try to explain to me why Marvel sucks now, why Star Wars sucks now, why music sucks now but as far as I’m concerned if those things suck now they sucked in the first half of the 2010s too. (Interestingly enough I was just discussing with my partner how they think cocaine bear is an unwelcomed return to the last decade.)

    I do not miss watching family guy or south park. I will admit that some music from that time is nostalgic in the way that any dad rock is. And many things like post-9/11 and post 2008 melancholy, black fishing, orientalism, white feminism, demobiliizing ideologies, and rape culture are still front in center as if the clock hasn’t ticked a second.

    I remember being abused by restaurants and wearing a hazmat suit for $9 an hour throughout the whole decade and that sucked way waaay more for me then than going to school during Covid. I know that is not everyones experience however. I’m now aware of things that are making a positive impact on the world, I’m more educated, more grounded, and maybe a bit more self aware. I would not really enjoy reliving the 2010s because I’d just be waiting to get back to now. I’d feel like how I think the young people around me seel today feeling out what their lives will be like. I feel done with that and I don’t miss it.

      1 year ago

      I agree that most of that stuff wasn’t much better ten years ago, but things have gotten worse. At least marvel was innovative and new 20 years ago, if it was just expensive defense industry propaganda, but now they are just trying to nostalgia-bate people for a near guaranteed profit. Similarly with Star Wars, but it declined starting in the early 00’s. Mainstream music has also gotten worse, up through the 80’s hip hop was diverse and innovative, but now they’ve created a formula for music that will always sell and just go off that.