Hi, Lemmy! So I made two mistakes. But I’d like to inform Lemmy, that there is a free speech version of the Lemmy code being used to throw racial slurs around. That instance is called goatpen.co I advise you not to go there, as you will come across racial slurs on the front page.

So my first mistake was asking what people on discussions.app like to use for different social networks. One instance, as mentioned above was goatpen.co. My curiousity got the better of me, and I went to check it out. That was my second mistake. That place is a cesspool.

That’s all I wanted to say. Someone or some company is using lemmy’s code to host a lemmy-clone and make it a cesspool.

  • roastpotatothief
    3 years ago

    No. Is it “Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet”? Do you recommend it?

    What are you getting at anyway?

    • sinewyshadowOP
      3 years ago

      Maybe, if we let them all shout profanities and obscenities at each other they will know how it feels to be on the other side, thus making them stop saying it, but that’s a long shot.

      • roastpotatothief
        3 years ago

        Would be an interesting experiment. Either they form a supportive community, develop human feelings, stop being so paranoid … they argue about stupid stuff forever … they get bored after a while and leave … the group gets diluted by more rational people …

        Whatever happens, it’s much much better than having nothing, leaving them isolated as sad individuals shouting at the wall and getting more and more enraged.

        • sinewyshadowOP
          3 years ago

          Exactly! I feel bad for these sad, fearful creatures. They are only enabling each other’s hate and fear more and more. I closed my accounts, so I won’t be countering any of their rhetoric. But if anyone else wants to take up the endeavor, by all means. Like I said, these sad, fearful creatures need help to learn that life isn’t that bad.

          • roastpotatothief
            3 years ago

            IMO it’s just a natural human way to be - though i know not everyone would agree.

            They just lack empathy for people they don’t know or care enough about to understand. The same way other people lack empathy for them.

            In a more open society, with more types of interaction, people don’t get the option to be dismissive of each other as much.

            That’s where this comes from, this idea helping people we abhor. And of keeping our enemy close to us, so we can influence him before he gets out of control