‘This is not about Ukraine at all, but the world order,’ said Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, a month after the invasion. ‘The unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past … A multi-polar world is being born.’ The US is no longer the world’s policeman, in other words – a message that resonates in
The fact it was more difficult doesn’t help the failures, really. Post-soviet national conflicts didn’t just happen out of the blue. Karabakh flared up when the Union was formally still there even.
But, WPK might not be a great comparison here, ok. CPC did better too though, and China isn’t mono national.
What do you mean by that? Weird comparison between multinational USSR and half of Korea?
The fact it was more difficult doesn’t help the failures, really. Post-soviet national conflicts didn’t just happen out of the blue. Karabakh flared up when the Union was formally still there even.
But, WPK might not be a great comparison here, ok. CPC did better too though, and China isn’t mono national.
I guess 30 years of observing Russia did paid off.