When will Lemmur get notifications?

  • ghost_laptop
    93 years ago

    When you contribute to the code and add it yourself. /s

    I think they don’t want to add that feature cos it would imply adding something like a push thingy which will most likely be proprietary.

    • @Ripuli
      33 years ago

      Alternative would be periodical checks

      • ghost_laptop
        23 years ago

        I use it quite often so this is basically what I do, but since there isn’t that much activity it’s not like I get a lot of them.

      • m-p{3}
        13 years ago

        I’d be okay with configurable periodical checks.

        • shilangyu (lemmur)M
          33 years ago

          Push is definitely not happening, we decided that notifications will be implemented as periodical checks

    • Sandro LinuxOP
      23 years ago

      Ok yeah that makes sense it would intergrate Google Push Notifications. Maybe instead just put notifications on the app not in the notifications tray