To me the label isn’t quite so important as being in line with the modern anti-imperialist trend. What do I mean by modern anti-imperialist trend? The world as it stands is generally split into 2 camps (not perfectly, hence the use of ‘generally’), 1 camp generally leans towards the US, the other leans away. For example, in the UN, the countries that denounce what PRC does in XJ are the usual suspects of the anglosphere, Europe, Japan. Those that support the PRC tend to be the current “main enemies” of the US like Iran, Russia, Venezuela as well as some GS countries. When I say modern anti-imperialist trend I’m referring to the attitude shown by this latter group.
100% agree. Capitalist-Imperialism, or the division of the world into poor and rich countries, and the exploitation of the global south by the imperial core countries, is the #1 contradiction in the world today. And that is being held up more than anything by the US military and the US dollar. Any country or group that materially opposses that, whatever their designation, is doing a favor to uplifting the millions of people suffering under the bootheel of the US.
I’d also note tho that there were even US leaders like Henry Wallace, a US socdem ( 99% of them are terrible of course ), who was staunchly anti-imperialist not just w/ regards to the military, but also economic interventions… that made him immensely popular in Latin America. It also lead to him being pushed out of the US presidential ticket in favor of Truman.
To me the label isn’t quite so important as being in line with the modern anti-imperialist trend. What do I mean by modern anti-imperialist trend? The world as it stands is generally split into 2 camps (not perfectly, hence the use of ‘generally’), 1 camp generally leans towards the US, the other leans away. For example, in the UN, the countries that denounce what PRC does in XJ are the usual suspects of the anglosphere, Europe, Japan. Those that support the PRC tend to be the current “main enemies” of the US like Iran, Russia, Venezuela as well as some GS countries. When I say modern anti-imperialist trend I’m referring to the attitude shown by this latter group.
100% agree. Capitalist-Imperialism, or the division of the world into poor and rich countries, and the exploitation of the global south by the imperial core countries, is the #1 contradiction in the world today. And that is being held up more than anything by the US military and the US dollar. Any country or group that materially opposses that, whatever their designation, is doing a favor to uplifting the millions of people suffering under the bootheel of the US.
I’d also note tho that there were even US leaders like Henry Wallace, a US socdem ( 99% of them are terrible of course ), who was staunchly anti-imperialist not just w/ regards to the military, but also economic interventions… that made him immensely popular in Latin America. It also lead to him being pushed out of the US presidential ticket in favor of Truman.