I already played (and Loved) half earth socialism plus all the games made by the team that made crisis in the kremlin, I’m more of a grand strategy/management kind of guy but I’m looking for communist games in general

  • Commissar of Antifa
    201 year ago

    There is a game about the Vietnam War called Decolonators where you fight against the US. The DPRK also made a game called Hunting Yankee which is like Call of Duty but you play as the good guys.

  • Soviet Snake
    161 year ago

    We have a Steam group and curator page with recommendations of video games which resonate with our ideas, you can find it here.

  • There was a Vietnamese call of duty esque game called 7554 which is free, in the game you fight off the French. There was another one from Cuba called Gesta Final but not sure where to find a copy…

  • Bury The Right
    111 year ago

    The borderlands games have a strong anti-capitalist undertone. Handsome Jack in 2 is the perfect smug capitalist villain who is always satisfying to bash in at the end. I remember there being a hammer and sickle skin in it too.

    • @taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
      51 year ago

      You’re referring to the Vladof guns lol in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands you actually fight what are apparently goblin fascists with other goblin revolutionaries xD

  • stasis
    91 year ago

    i was going to say half earth socialism but i didn’t realize you mentioned it in the description lmao

    • @Faresh
      1 year ago

      I just tried that game.

      Is there any way to decrease emissions? It seems that regardless of what I do they always increase (the lowest increase I ever got was when I turned everyone vegetarian where emissions only increased by 0.4, and then immediately continued increasing). I completely got rid of fossil fuels in energy production (relying now on nuclear, wind and hydro), funded mass-transport to cut fuel usage (I haven’t changed fuel production one bit, because every alternative seemed equally bad, so the most reasonable choice was to simply decrease its consumption) and, as mentioned earlier, enforced vegetarianism. Nothing seems to decrease emissions.

      • @frippaOP
        21 year ago

        Fuel or electricity? For electricity I suggest water wind turbines, as for fuel, try to research electric planes and stuff like that to reduce its usage

  • @big_spoon@lemmygrad.ml
    51 year ago

    well…i’d say that “hitman: world of assasination” trilogy kinda fits the bill, you can kill bouguies and you’re making part from a team who wants to destroy 3 biggest porkies (illuminati?) and you have to kill a desertor from urss who founded a capitalist club