What makes Lemmy part of the Fediverse? Can one follow a Lemmy community from say a Mastodon account and receive post updates from the Lemmy Community when someone posts to the community they are following?

  • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
    1 year ago

    @creatinglake Yep, you can. I used to follow !linux from my Mastodon account. Now I’m commenting from my Friendica account!

    I will say though, following Lemmy via Mastodon isn’t ideal. No downvotes, link posts mess up the “copy link to post” feature, all the replies are forced into your timeline as boosts, and you can’t actually post to the forums (only reply) because there are no post titles.

    • @_ed@sopuli.xyz
      1 year ago

      Aah you’re going to make me test out a frendica account now :D I’ve only seen how it works from mastodon, which is limited but usable…

      Have never got it working from my pleroma instance, but that just may be my lack of sysadmin skills.

      • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
        1 year ago

        @_ed You should! It has an excess of features - the thread display and post titles are the ones that make it a lot easier to interact with Lemmy, though I’m still not sure I can make link posts; but also recommended users, federation with Diaspora, following RSS feeds, dislikes, quote re-shares, post formatting, and a bunch more.

        It’s dated in some ways, like the signup process and some clunky aspects of the UI. But it might be better than Mastodon once you get the hang of it.

    • @creatinglakeOP
      11 year ago

      I hear ya. I am wondering if what we ultimately want is some independent Fediverse account that we an use to join any “space” like a Lemmy Community as well as each having a Feverse Feed/Inbox. Perhaps we could get notifications from the Lemmy Community posts via that feed, with a brief decryption/post about the activity. One could then either do a simple reply to the post or click on that descrition/post to open the Lemmy community (or some other Fediverse space) in a new tab to access all of the rich functionality. Does this make sense?

      • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
        11 year ago

        @creatinglake I’m not entirely sure what you mean, but I get the theory - you’re saying it should require only one account to use any service in the fediverse. I don’t think that’s compatible with the way ActivityPub is structured now - although it would certainly help if every server used the standard client-to-server protocol, rather than a dozen variants on Mastodon’s - but a different standard might be able to make that work. It would have a lot of implications for security, though.

  • @creatinglakeOP
    61 year ago

    Can someone from a Mastodon account then reply to the Lemmy post, via Mastodon, and have that comment show up in the community space?

    • Jonas Vautherin
      11 year ago

      @creatinglake That’s something I don’t get. What is the point of Lemmy if is it connected like this? Doesn’t it make Lemmy a Mastodon client somehow?

      • Joe BidetA
        91 year ago

        what lemmy gives you: 1/ communities where news are aggregated on themes, that you can follow (also from mastodon) 2/ elaborate threading system for the replies 3/ up/down votes for the news and the comments 4/ views based on the above, allowing to look only at the new, the hot, the commented, etc.

        it’s not competition. it’s cooperation and complementarity <3

      • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
        1 year ago

        @jonasvautherin @creatinglake Mastodon doesn’t do everything that a platform connected to the Fediverse can do; Lemmy has a lot of features Mastodon doesn’t, and Mastodon has a lot of features Lemmy doesn’t. For example, as far as I know Mastodon users can’t create original posts to Lemmy communities, nor downvote posts on the site.

        The beauty of the Fediverse is that you can create different platforms for different purposes - Twitter-like microblogs, Reddit-like link forums, photo sharing, video sharing… if you have an account on one of them, that perhaps represents your preferred set of features, you can still keep up with activity on the others using their analogous features. And as Joe Bidet said while I was typing this: it’s about cooperation not competition.

        • @creatinglakeOP
          11 year ago

          Exactly–and what I am suggesting is that it would be awesome to have one Fediverse account and one Fediverse feed do collect streams from all of the fediverse spaces we engage with…so we could aggregate posts/notifications from Mastodon, Pixelfed, and Lemmy communities (I think different communities is the most powerful here) into a single Fediverse Feed.

    • @creatinglakeOP
      11 year ago

      I have a separate Lemmy account and had no idea that anyone was replying here on Lemmy until I randomly came back to the tab.

  • @cel
    31 year ago

    Lemmy implements WebFinger (username@domain lookup) and “a subset of the ActivityPub Protocol, with some extensions” (https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/federation/lemmy_protocol.html).

    I was able to follow a Lemmy community from Mastodon. (I haven’t seen what it looks like yet when posts start coming through.) I was not able to follow Lemmy communities from Epicyon, or Lemmy user accounts from either Mastodon or Epicyon.

      • @cel
        1 year ago

        Cool, thanks Ваня!

        Edit: the screenshot does not appear in Lemmy; I see it in Mastodon and Friendica.

        I’m able to follow Lemmy accounts from Mastodon now. (Previously search was hanging, maybe the servers had to establish contact…)

        • @cel
          21 year ago

          Replying again just to note that the screenshot does not appear in Lemmy - and my edit saying so is not universally propogated (I see it in Friendica but not yet in Mastodon).

          As I suppose Lemmy does not support the media attachment: Lemmy users can find the screenshot by navigating to Ваня’s post at the linked original page (source) - or by viewing this thread on other non-Lemmy instances via other remote participants here (via the small fediverse icon links).