• Star Wars Enjoyer
    83 years ago

    “Temperatures over 130f can be fatal to humans”

    this person, possibly: “subjective… and therefore wrong and bad”

    • @NotAGinger@lemmygrad.ml
      63 years ago

      Science is not reproducible without everybody using the same units of measure. This includes some moderately important things like medicine, cuisine, and architecture.

      I am of the opinion that the quoted material is from a troll who is looking for a negative response for the purpose of flame war.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer
        3 years ago

        you might be surprised, there are anarchists out there who believe in shit on this same wavelength. I had one argue to me that speed limits and safety regulations were “authoritarian evil” and should be completely abolished because they limit freedom. It really wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if this person is being fully serious, as unfortunate as that would be, but these are the kinds of takes people end up with if they let “all authorities are unjust” go to their idealist heads.

        • @NotAGinger@lemmygrad.ml
          13 years ago

          The speed limit argument wouldn’t be so bad if people were reasonable as a whole. Doing 100 in an area where you won’t physically harm others is only harmful from a carbon standpoint (ie cumultive collective chronic effect vs extreme acute harm to specific individuals). But no speed limits would have people doing 100 kph or more in front of schools or through pedestrian areas.

  • @Suckingdicksince90@lemmygrad.ml
    3 years ago

    What’s the weather like?

    Uhhhhhhhh I’m getting 69 vibes? What vibes you getting?

    420 bro!!!

    Noice, thank fuck Metric system was abolished

    • Muad'DibberOP
      73 years ago

      This person goes to the doctor’s office

      Nurse hands them a form asking them to write their height, weight, etc…

      “Stop oppresing me bro!!! Stop trying to define my subjective experience!!”

      Throws the clipboard at the window, storms off

  • @roastpotatothief
    -23 years ago

    I get where she’s coming from. Can’t it just be “warm” instead of being “it’s not warm it’s 20° is is slightly below the standard definition of room temperature”.

    We are all a bit obsessed with measurement. With finding a correct invective definition of things, so much that even the objective definition is subjective.

    We’d all be happier if we could just be subjectively " warm " or “cold” instead of being objectively (but really subjectively) above or below standardised room temperature.

    I think thus is what she means, she’s just criminally bad at expressing herself.