since I think more people need to have this under their arsenal when talking to vaushits who claims he supports trans rights.

oh yeah this is a thing as well

    2 years ago

    Man. It just gets worse and worse with him.

    A few years ago I stumbled upon Vaush’s content when he mostly debated anti-SJW and neo-Nazis. At the time I was a “fan” because, after living through the tragedy that was the anti-SJW/gamergate phase of YouTube as a teen, it was refreshing to see someone seemingly on our side return the same energy that was being given.

    I wasn’t a huge fan and didn’t keep tabs much unless clips were uploaded of him arguing with right-wingers and such. I stopped following him after I saw the evidence of him targeting leftists and minorities as if they were enemies. The whole child thing had me fucked up too.

    The Professor Flowers debate, while it wasn’t the turning point for me (that happened way before), was just another incident that further confirmed he was an absolute piece of shit and there was no coming back from it.

    Should’ve stuck to making fun of Nazis.

    • Anarcho-Bolshevik
      112 years ago

      Honestly, I rarely even think about him. I only unforget him when I see other leftists exposing his latest misbehavior.

      • Ratette (she/her)
        92 years ago

        🫂 his vile kiddy fiddling carcass was bound appear again soon enough. I just hope the next time I see it it’s something like “American streamer found dead from auto erotic asphyxiation accident while watching lolicon” and we can all cheer at his passing.

        • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️OPM
          82 years ago

          American streamer “Vaush” found dead in prison due to stab wound by other prisoner after being raided by FBI for possession of explicit photos of children. “Yeah no one liked him lmao.” says the assailant.

            • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️OPM
              2 years ago

              “Yeah we all kind of helped lolololol.” said the top three prison gangs press release on the matter. “I killed like 8 people, but man this guy needed to do die.” says Andrew “Ghost” Henderson, another accomplice.

              • Ratette (she/her)
                52 years ago

                “I was set to be released this month but after hearing Vaush was in here I thought, what’s another 15 years?” said one particularly based inmate.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    182 years ago

    I don’t understand why he can make a terse, vague comment like ‘dumb take’ but an easy dismissal like ‘you’re cis’ gets his blood boiling. That wasn’t one of his most disturbing comments, though…

    ‘Fascism is when you like it when people are strong, and not whiny, when they publicly advocate for positions! You’re right! […] That’s why, when we have public panels where we have to send up people do defend leftist ideas in front of an audience, we should send up the most cripplingly, socially awkward, autistic, fucking heavily accented dumbfucks up there to represent our positions, so they can cry and stammer over themselves for two hours like a useless [insert slur here]! And then, when I look at that, I go, ‘Hey, maybe we shouldn’t be sending these people out there to represent our positions’, that makes me a fascist! You’re right! Absolutely! Got ’em! Good praxis!’

    Yes, Fascism was a more complex phenomenon than your critics may imply. But contempt for the weak was an important characteristic of Fascism, both theoretically (‘Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.’) and in practice, and when you repeatedly disparage us so harshly, calling us ‘subhuman’ or ‘cancer’, calling us threats to each other (perhaps even more so than anybody else), talking about us as if we have no place in the proletariat’s struggle for self‐emancipation, you won’t get any sympathy from me when somebody accuses you of being fascist.

    ‘If a bunch of Jewish people came up to me, unironically, and started accusing me of [being] antisemitic, yeah, I’d get real edgy real fast. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I despite these people.’

    If a bunch of Jewish people came up to me and accused me of being antisemitic, I’d ask ‘Why? How?’ Because that is the responsible thing to do: you use (well meaning) criticism to find your mistakes and prevent yourself from making them again. Even for far‐right Jews, I still wouldn’t indulge in any ‘ironic’ antisemitism just to piss them off.

    The nicest thing that I can say about this video is that, an hour in, it looked like approximately half of his audience was questioning him (for once). That’s it.

    112 years ago

    You know… This is all just online twitter stuff. And one thing Ive noticed about these so called leftists that’s finally pop off like this is that on one hand, they end up being wrong and on the other, they cant know WHO is being these so called “annoying sjws”

    Why would you lash out at a community for having “bad members” when you cant tell if those members are real or just some reactionary clown trying to get under your skin?

    It’s honestly quite simple. Dont feed the trolls and dont feed the Poes.


  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    92 years ago

    What the actual hell?! How does his audience and himself still think they are even close to a “leftist”?! Hopefully his bigotry will make it easy for his following to fall apart. That is assuming they aren’t all also just shitty gouls like the man himself.