
  • Remove categories, because they aren’t customizable, filterable, or multi-lingual (#1429, !176)
  • Various changes to allow federation with Pleroma:
    • Use name field for post titles instead of summary (!173)
    • Dont include community in comment to field (!174)
    • Documentation updates based on the changes above
  • Removed code for compatibility with Lemmy v0.8.9 and older (!178)
  • Some code refactoring (!172, !175)
  • Wrote a statement on Lemmy.ml politics (together with @dessalines)


  • Worked on replacing config-rs, with @canop’s deser-hjson and merge. config-rs, as well as about 3 dependent libraries, are abandoned and have been broken for a few months on newer versions of rust. !1433
  • This allows us to move up from rust 1.47.0 to use rust 1.50.0. !1452
  • Working on splitting the user_ table into a federated, called person, and a local_user table. This is a lot bigger effort than I expected.
  • Emoji picker now uses utf8 emojis, rather than short names. #184
  • Merged a few PRs from @gazconroy to convert our current API docs to an AsyncAPI html. This is close to being ready.
  • Changed subscribers to users on main page user count.
  • Upgraded lemmy-ui deps, including husky, and prettier, and typescript lints. (This might require clearing out git hooks for any front end devs)
  • Fixed an issue with markdown buttons not working on site and community sidebars. #182
  • Using a more recent version of cargo-chef for builds.
  • @PP44
    103 years ago

    Hey just wanted to use this occasion to thank the devs ! Thank you so much, I recently discovered Lemmy (thanks to Lemmur) and it really looks and feels awesome. You guys seems to be great people holding a project that I already like a lot !

    Thank you again, much love !

  • Serge Tarkovski
    53 years ago

    Wondering what kind of content is going to be federated with Pleroma? Haven’t they already got groups?

      • Serge Tarkovski
        53 years ago

        So, to clarify: is this about the upcoming Pleroma groups? So that a Pleroma user will see a Lemmy post in a Lemmy community as a remote Pleroma toot in a Pleroma group?

        • @nutomicMA
          33 years ago

          I’m not sure about the Pleroma side of things, but it seems that Pleroma can already fetch and show Lemmy posts if you search for the URL.

          • Serge Tarkovski
            33 years ago

            How it’s represented then on the Pleroma side, just as a post from a user or what? The community of the post is being skipped?

            • @nutomicMA
              33 years ago

              I dont use Pleroma, so no clue. You could try it yourself I guess.

      • Serge Tarkovski
        33 years ago

        So that’s Pleroma groups, great! Glad to see it’s being developed.

  • ghost_laptop
    43 years ago

    With Categories I assume you mean communities categories, right? Is there any plan to re-implement this in the future? I really like the idea if it could be done better. :/

    • @nutomicMA
      63 years ago

      Yes, community categories. Maybe at some point we could implement them again, but it would be a really big task (and we have a lot of other tasks that seem more important).

  • @ksynwa
    33 years ago

    damn some libraries being abandoned must be a real pain.

    • DessalinesOPA
      83 years ago

      Yup, me and @nutomic@lemmy.ml went down a frustrating 3 day long rabbit hole that started with one library, and ended up with several that don’t have maintainers, and are effectively dead. There are only a few people besides us yelling at them because it broke a lot of downstream projects, so we had the option to either fix some of the lower level libraries, or just skip a lot of them altogether and go with one well-maintained one with less upstream dependencies.