• @PowerCrazy
    207 months ago

    Another Big Blow, no seriously, it’s huge. No really. Any minute now.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    167 months ago

    Does anybody seriously believe this is a blow to Russia, if anything the west is helping prevent capital flight from Russia here.

  • Catfish [she/her]
    47 months ago

    Reminder that sanctions serve to attack innocent civilians and as a side-effect encourages the victims to build stronger domestic production.

    • @Zippy@lemmy.world
      -137 months ago

      Reminder a country does not have criminal leaders without some support by the general population. While certainly the leaders are most guilty in these actions, the general population overall is not completely without fault. Economic hardship is not out of the question when you put a poor leader like Putin in power.

      Prior to the war and Russia attacking Ukraine, Russia was at zero risk from Ukraine. Ukraine wasn’t stealing their land, was not damaging their economy and had pretty much zero effect on anyone’s lives in Russia. Nor did Ukraine pose any future threat not were they making or sending terrorists abroad.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    37 months ago

    Are these sanctions stronger than the ones USA imposed last year, when the Ruble became stronger after switching to gold standard?

  • YeetPics
    07 months ago

    Just do a special operation to fix the finances. (3 days tops, trust me comrade).

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      -17 months ago

      Given that Russian economy is growing while Europe is in a deep recession, maybe it’s the west that needs to do a special operation to fix its finances.

      • @jay91
        27 months ago

        This will hurt a lot of Ukraine suckers.

  • @jay91
    -27 months ago

    Oh Russia is collapsing… western media since Feb 2022. Thanks for giving the opportunity to Russia to start a new order.