    33 years ago

    Wow, China is already one of the world leaders in CBD production, and they’re only using the leaves?

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
      3 years ago

      You know, another great thing about China making so much hemp is that when (hopefully not “if”) hemp plastic really starts replacing petroleum plastics, the barrier to entry will be very low since most things are manufactured in China, so you can source Chinese hemp, convert it into plastic, and make the final product without having to deal with imports. Hopefully this can accelerate the phasing out of petroleum plastics.

        43 years ago

        They could easily control the entire market once they legalize flower extraction and food/medicine usage

        • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
          43 years ago

          I wonder how much of it is stigma among the public. As a Chinese person, I can tell you that my parents and most people I know that grew up in China were very against the legalization of weed here in Canada.

            63 years ago

            My friend’s aunts from Qingdao were totally open to using CBD for pain relief. Since CBD doesn’t make you high like THC, I can see hemp being legalized, especially since hemp also has historical usage in TCM. Marijuana, though, I think won’t happen for a long while since seeing and treating the effects of opium addiction is in living memory. Some other friends who went to Tibet a few times did mention that there are some hookah cafes where there’s something other than tobacco in them

          • @Micalet
            3 years ago

            Opium was a great pain for China, and Chinese have more memory than other people

            • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
              43 years ago

              Very good point and very true.

  • @aihao
    3 years ago

    Cannabis and all its drugs are illegal in China, are never allowed to exist, and are never allowed to be grown. Don’t be blinded by the so-called fake news, because they have never been to China. If you want to understand the real China, you might as well ask your friends in China, they will tell you what China is. Kind of. No country in this world is perfect. seeing is believing. 大麻及其所有毒品在中国是犯法的,是绝不允许存在的,并且是绝不允许种植的。不要被所谓的假新闻蒙蔽了双眼,因为它们根本就没有去过中国,如果你想了解真实的中国,不妨去问问你身边在中国的朋友,他(她)们会告诉你中国到底是什么样的。这个世界上没有任何一个国家是完美的。眼见为实。

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
      3 years ago

      So there are multiple independent sources that say that hemp (which isn’t a drug, it’s a material) and CBD are at least partly legal in China, do you have any sources that say otherwise?

      Not trying to be snarky BTW, actually want to know because I don’t want to spread incorrect information.