Hi I saw a link posted to bunkerchan (bunkerchan.net) and saw bunkerchan was running off lynxchan ( i was impressed the site was functional without javascript!).
I hit the EDU link first and there was some cool marxist torrents and interesting threads on the DDR
However having visited a few times since then it has…such a weird vibe to it.
Like there’s people posting threads about polpot, a load of reactionary shit, nazbols posting… Like what is this?
Just a fed run honeypot? Bored 4 channers?
Oh, and if you want a more general history of /leftypol/, /GET/, or what have you I’d be happy to answer any questions. There is also a wiki continually updated by /leftypol/ and /GET/ here which has decent articles on a lot of these events. https://unitedchans.fandom.com/wiki/Internal_conflict_on_Bunkerchan https://unitedchans.fandom.com/wiki/The_Second_Exodus_of_Leftypol