Basically the “my friend lived under communism and said it sucked” argument. They claim that there were rations in GDR and you had to wait ages for gasoline
Basically the “my friend lived under communism and said it sucked” argument. They claim that there were rations in GDR and you had to wait ages for gasoline
The other user and top comment had a very well spoken response that considers the material conditions and context that these things happened alongside.
To me though, the single simple fact of the matter is that all things considered a system where people have universal guaranteed access to food will always be superior to a system where untold tens millions of people go hungry despite staggering tons of food being thrown away because its inaccessible to the working people living in poverty that can’t afford it. All the more so when these food conglomerates make untold billions in record profits and muh “supply and demand” has zero effect on the tons and tons of unconsumed food being sent to the landfill specifically to avoid donating it to the hungry.
God damn the people responsible for this system and act like this afront to god is superior to “rationed breadlines” that existed to liberate the people from starvation. Breadlines and rationing in and of themselves should be seen as evident of the ability of a government to tend to it’s people in the face of even massive adversity and post-war reconstruction. But instead it’s cynically pointed to by capitalists to argue “look how terrible it was for a government to feed it’s people” while leaving unsaid that their pissing and moaning is in the service of making sure millions and millions more starve to death in the streets while they continue to squeeze the life out of the people for every last bloody cent.