• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2 years ago

      The reason Europe is in the crisis it’s in is precisely because European political class is owned by US and acts in the interest of US instead of its own people. US used Europe like a sacrificial pawn in its geopolitical games against Russia and now people in Europe get to pay the price. Europe could’ve had a friendly and mutually beneficial relationship with Russia after USSR collapsed in the 90s. Instead, Europe chose to act as a foot soldier for US.

      People are protesting because their standard of living was predicated on having access to cheap energy from Russia. Propaganda is what you’re doing by claiming it’s anything other than this.

      At the end of all this, Europe will have no choice but to bend the knee. Your demagogy is going to fall on deaf ears when people can’t heat their homes or get enough food to eat.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          2 years ago

          Umm… nope. The Europe is in crisis because many countries made poor decisions, relying in cheap energy when knowing the possible risks.

          Relying on cheap energy from Russia is what allowed Europe to become economically successful. This was recognized even back during USSR times. The stupid decision was to create an enemy out of USSR and then Russia instead of seeking peaceful coexistence.

          It has nothing to do with being “pawn” for US or some other propaganda you claim.

          It has everything to do with being a pawn of the US, and volumes of literature have been written on the subject. US has dominated European policy since WW2. The fact that you think this is propaganda shows just how ignorant and intellectually impoverished you are.

          The people are protesting because goverments made decisions to rely on Russia and didn’t left any other doors open.

          People are protesting because their standard of living is collapsing due to Europe starting an economic war with Russia. That’s a simple fact that propagandists like you continue to deny. You can keep on screeching all you like, but that won’t change reality of the situation.

          People surely are not protesting to get cheap Russian energy back. I

          They literally are protesting to get cheap Russian energy back.

          Europe has a lot of other choices. Someone are just wishing that bending the knee is the only option. It’s easy to see who those people are.

          It does not. over 60% of Russian energy imports have no replacement. Anybody with even bare minimum understanding of how energy markets work knows this. You can keep spewing your nonsense here all you like, but by the time winter rolls around you’ll have hard time convincing anyone with your bending the knee speeches. Might even get your ass kicked.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              2 years ago

              Well, if you decide to invade a neighbour country and threat others, peaceful coexistence can be quite difficult, or even impossible.

              Ah, we’re back to the notion that Russia invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked and this was not a result of decades of NATO policy towards Russia.

              I don’t think it’s realistic that anyone wants to be a pawn to a country that removes rights from people, denies free speech and jails anyone that opposes the government or current leader. It’s only logical that people seek friends elsewhere.

              You seem to be pretty happy being a pawn of the US regime that does all these things.

              Umm, no they’re not. Except if they are a neighbour country or have some strange relations to Russia.

              They literally are.

              Well, some countries do. And they’ve already looked elsewhere from deals. Some don’t have a replacement, that’s true. But the markets will not return to the state they were before the war.

              You clearly don’t understand how food and energy production works if you think that.

              Here bending the knee is not an option. People rather freeze instead.

              We’ll see what these people say when they’re actually freezing.

              Is this a threat? It’s a strange thing you condemn the war but you still hope that we get our asses kicked.

              It’s very obviously not a threat. Simply an observation that people might react poorly to your rhetoric when they’re starving and freezing their asses off. It doesn’t appear that you comprehend that.