• Sr Estegosaurio
    112 years ago

    Cars in urban ares are a bad joke. But for some reason a lot of people still belive that they bring them freedom™.

    • @Tiuku@sopuli.xyz
      102 years ago

      This. Cars in cities are annoying for pedestrians and for the drivers themselves alike. Private cars shouldbe banned from centers.

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        62 years ago

        Agree. We need a high quality, free, clean and big net of public transport. Not only for centers but from urban zones alltogether, obviusly for rural areas those still necessary.

  • @onlooker
    102 years ago

    Working as intended. This is Musk’s secret plan to solve the overpopulation problem.

    • ysu
      52 years ago

      He wants an overpopulation problem, more children for his factories.

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    2 years ago

    Was it a poor and/or coloured child mannequin? If so then there’s no problem! /s

  • @CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
    210 months ago

    Come on I hate Elmo as much as the next person but this is the same guy that’s released all the other “Tesla runs over child mannequin” videos and just so happens to run a competing autonomous driving company. The previous videos were found to have been fixed (driving in manual mode, refusing to allow anyone else behind the wheel during testing) so I see this as little more than some corporate executive dick swinging contest.