A lot of people grow up in the world not being well informed about sex and sexuality… not necessarily unique to Korea, but it is indeed possible that there is still this type of social conservatism there. Homosexuality was usually criminalized in communist countries until just very recently, and I am not currently aware of its status in the DPRK but I’m not sure I’d automatically assume that it’s a leader in that area.
I’m guessing, if you are from the West, you have this misconception that values associated with communism are the same as they are in your country, but over here in the East it can be different. It’s no coincidence that today one of the most outspoken anti-LGBT countries in the world is Russia, and that also relates back to the country’s Soviet past. In Russia the kinds of people who want the USSR back and love Stalin, are a type of right-wing conservative who hate gays as much as they pine for lost Soviet Russian imperial power. They’re pretty much the opposite of Americans and Europeans who love the USSR today. The DPRK itself is a hangover from the USSR days.
Yeah lol there’s no gay people in the DPRK obviously hahaha
A lot of people grow up in the world not being well informed about sex and sexuality… not necessarily unique to Korea, but it is indeed possible that there is still this type of social conservatism there. Homosexuality was usually criminalized in communist countries until just very recently, and I am not currently aware of its status in the DPRK but I’m not sure I’d automatically assume that it’s a leader in that area.
I’m guessing, if you are from the West, you have this misconception that values associated with communism are the same as they are in your country, but over here in the East it can be different. It’s no coincidence that today one of the most outspoken anti-LGBT countries in the world is Russia, and that also relates back to the country’s Soviet past. In Russia the kinds of people who want the USSR back and love Stalin, are a type of right-wing conservative who hate gays as much as they pine for lost Soviet Russian imperial power. They’re pretty much the opposite of Americans and Europeans who love the USSR today. The DPRK itself is a hangover from the USSR days.
Аҳ, душмани диринаи ман… Мебинам, ки ҳанӯз ёд нагирифтӣ чӣ тавр бо дигарон дуруст муошират кунӣ.
Яъне, он қадар китоб хондаӣ, лекин ҳеҷ тарбият наёмӯхтӣ? Падарат ба ту чӣ ёд додааст? 😔
Воқеан, ба ахлоқи шумо таъҷуб мекунам.