• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    2 years ago

    This very much belongs here because that’s the context for whether supporting continuation of the war is ethical or not. What makes you a QAnon cultist and a troll is the fact that you continue to promote the war despite the fact that Ukraine cannot win it.

    This is false. Bending the knee to Russia now means some other nation will bend the knee next. How is that for everyone’s benefit? This doesn’t sound neutral. The consequences are not for everyone’s benefit.

    This is true. The premise behind your claims is once again that the west is able to defeat Russia in this war. This is at odds with the facts. The longer the war goes the worse off all of the west will be. we’re already seeing western economies crashing leading to political destabilization across Europe. This will only get worse by winter.

    The most likely outcome is that Russia will end up taking over most of Ukraine. Europe will suffer a huge economic collapse, and this will destabilize the governments leading to regime changes across Europe. The unfolding economic disaster is already causing tensions in EU and NATO. Hungary is already refusing to play ball, and other countries will follow the same route once the choice is between freezing and breaking with EU policy. Meanwhile, Turkey has just signed a huge economic deal with Russia, and countries outside the western bloc are increasingly aligning around BRICS with western global economic reach shrinking as a result. One has to do serious mental gymnastics to think that this is somehow advantageous for the west geopolitically.

    So, while you keep bleating about not bending the knee and acting tough, the reality is that the west is showing itself to be weak and incompetent. It’s, of course, important to remember that all Russia was demanding at the start was that Ukraine remains neutral and abandons its ambitions to join NATO. Before the war started there was an even balance of power between Russia and the west, and Russia was not interested in testing it. Now that the balance has been tested it turns out that Russia is in a much stronger position than anyone, including the Russians, expected. This is a horrific outcome for the west.

    I asked you to debunk any of them because you claimed everything I post is misinformation.

    I have done this repeatedly in this thread. You just keep repeating the same nonsense over and over like a broken record. Your fundamental premise is invalid, and I’ve explained in detail why that is so.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        2 years ago

        This is not a fact but your opinion, based on the cherry-picked information.

        No, this is based on the actual facts that are available. These facts are stated by western entities such as the Pentagon and British military think tanks. These are also becoming increasingly admitted in western mainstream media.

        What we are seeing is western economies transforming to a more self-sufficient ones, and not being reliable to Russia. Of course it takes its toll at the beginning, but it’s already showing that things are getting easier when time goes by. Russia has been relying too much to their energy politics and expecting everyone will come back eventually. That’s not happening.

        That’s an interesting euphemism to say that they’re collapsing to third world standards. It’s pretty clear that you don’t understand much about energy usage in Europe or how global energy production works.

        These deals are made only because there are people in power that the people actually seem to dispise. And mostly because if the option is to increase prices, those in power are not going to be elected again. So they’re just trying to keep their position. It has nothing to do with “refusing to play ball”.

        A strange statement given that Orban just handily won the election. Seems like the governments people are increasingly coming to despite are in UK, France, Germany, and Italy where they have either collapsed or are in the process of collapsing.

        This is the main issue here: Russia is demanding something from a sovereign nation. It’s up to Ukraine what they decide to do. There’s no one that should have any power to decide instead of them. Also: invading Crimea and then demanding neutrality…? Wtf.

        This statement shows an incredibly childish understanding of geopolitics.

        You haven’t debunked a single claim I made about Finland.

        I have, and I’ve repeatedly explained how. Your reading comprehension really needs work. Once again using small words. Finland prolongs suffering of people in Ukraine with no benefit to the people of Ukraine.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            2 years ago

            You are thinking winning and losing too black and white. Russia already lost one when they failed to invade Kyiv. That one Ukraine won. It depends on the outcome who loses and wins, and what.

            First of all, I haven’t seen Russia claim anywhere that taking Kyiv was their stated objective. What Russia said was that the objectives demilitarization of Ukraine and backing independence of Donbas. Both of these objectives are currently being achieved.

            However, the bigger picture here is the geopolitical realignment that’s happening. The west failed to get majority of the countries in the world to side with it against Russia. We’re now seeing a new economic system developing that’s completely separate from the western financial system. The winners from this debacle will be US, China, Russia, and the biggest loser will be Europe. The unipolar world dominated by the west is now gone forever.

            When speaking about electricity markets in Finland, the prices are increasing now but we are actually going to be self-sufficient in electricity production next year. So, expecting a crash next spring. Other countries with more dependency with Russia are of course having a hard time.

            Last I checked Europe is a bit bigger than Finland.

            And you, an anonymous Internet troll claims to be an expert? Don’t make me laugh.

            No, I claim that experts like Pentagon and RUSI are experts. All my claims are backed by what western militaries are saying as opposed to tabloid news you like to reference.

            I think you need to work on your reading because I have not made any claims related to prolonging anyones’s suffering.

            Of course you have, you back Finland prolonging the war and that is the direct outcome.

            EDIT: And now, after switching the talk AGAIN to geopolitics, are you ready to condemn the atrocities made by Russia? We’ve seen you condemn US, NATO and west already.

            Of course, any atrocities committed by Russia are as reprehensible as those by NATO and its allies. Why would that be hard for me to say exactly?

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
                2 years ago

                Umm. No they’re not.

                The indisputably are, even Ukraine admits this.

                This is also false. It’s a small minority of countries that actually support Russia.

                This is literally false. Take a look at the UN vote to condemn Russia. Most countries either voted against or abstained. The west was isolated and failed to get any further support since.

                Yes. But Finland is in Europe and gives one example. Just like you gave a link to UK’s situation. Europe is bigger than UK.

                Look at who’s cherry picking. How are things going in Germany, Italy, and all the other countries where the economies are crashing.

                Then can you explain why majority of countries are behaving the opposite the experts you quote say? Last time I checked goverments listen to their experts.

                If governments listened to their experts then the west would’ve never started an economic war with Russia. All the experts warned against it.

                Again, this is only your opinion. Not a false claim made by me.

                The false claim made by you is that Ukraine can win this war. This claim is at odds with the facts.

                Because you haven’t condemned those before.

                I have in many previous discussions.

                What’s your opinion about the latest war crimes, like forcing people in the eastern Ukraine to fight on Russia’s side?

                Same as my opinion on other batshit insane things you make up. These are products of a deeply disturbed and deranged mind.

                Or making the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant as a tool for blackmail?

                How is Russia using a nuclear power plant as a tool for blackmail?

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
                    2 years ago

                    What? This is false. I’m not sure what is your understanding about “most countries”. How the vote actually went: “In an emergency session, 141 of the 193 member states voted for the resolution, (to condemn Russia) 35 abstained and five voted against”, so you are talking straight BS again.

                    meanwhile in the real world 93 nations voted for, with 58 abstaining and 24 voting against https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1115782

                    What? 😂 You used UK as an example, I used Finland, and now I’m the one cherry-picking?

                    I used UK, France, Italy, Germany, and majority of European nations where economies are currently crashing as examples.

                    False again.

                    True again, but no point arguing with qanon.

                    You are twisting my words. I have been constantly talking claims concerning Finland. You try to change the subject to the war itself.

                    You’ve been constantly talking about Finland helping prolong the war. You want people in Ukraine to suffer and die longer so you feel safer.

                    You claim to be an expert and you don’t know what’s even happening…?

                    I know what’s happening, and it’s different from the bullshit war propagandists sell.

                    Oh, and by the way. In previous thread you claimed that the news about Russian troops dying in large amounts is false, and you only believe what the US military experts say about the issue.

                    Yeah that’s why Pentagon keeps saying that Russia has most of their original operating power. Somehow, they’re losing 500 troops a day for four months and still haven’t had to send more troops in. Galaxy brain logic there.

                    Anyways, you do you there. Soon the war will be over, and war propagandists will be exposed for what they are. Enjoy acting smug while you can.