• KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Is that even a real thing? And why would anyone build one of these instead of a dozen slightly less capable ones and thousands of shells on top? These hyper modern weapons systems are just a form of masturbation as far as I can tell. They can’t really be mass produced, die just as easily to bigger explosives, are vulnerable to faults and supply chain interruptions due to their complexity and are harder to maintain because of it.

    They’re maybe worth it against poorly equipped insurgents with total air dominance to cover them. But in conventional war these are just extremely high value targets. Just look at Russia. They’re mostly not using their most modern equipment like Armatas at all, because they’re too valuable to lose.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      They tried to do this in WW2 with the Tiger which was overengineered and they lost badly to the T34 simply because the latter was more reliable, simpler to use and maintain, more robust and mass produced in huge numbers.

      This strategy never works against a peer enemy. Sure you may be able to roll over some insurgents with AK47s and flip flops with your high tech hardware, but that is not reflective of the performance in a real conflict.

      Even now the majority of the heavy lifting in Ukraine on the Ukrainian side is done by old but reliable Soviet equipment, not by the hodge podge of western crap that they got which breaks down too easy and needs a ton of support.

      • KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Tiger really is the perfect comparison. But ofc Westerners never learned the lesson of the Tiger, because people are still creaming themselves about that thing and laughing about supposedly cheap, crappy T34s.

        Even now the majority of the heavy lifting in Ukraine on the Ukrainian side is done by old but reliable Soviet equipment

        Not just on their side, on the Russians too. Just look at this list of Russian artillery pieces. Almost all of it is Soviet designed. Granted, some very late Soviet era, but still. D-30 howitzers are all over the place in Ukraine and that thing has been around since the 60s and afaik is still their main field artillery. Every man of fighting age in Russia has been trained on it, every military mechanic worked on it, etc. This shit just works, is easy to maintain and mass produce.

        Is the M777 better 1on1? Yeah sure, but it costs >$4mio, because it’s an air droppable super light weight, titanium clad what ever the fuck piece of high tech with gps guided missles, a digital fire-control system, etc. Good for accurately blasting farmers with AKs out of caves? Probably, but not for mass war, under mass artillery barrages for firing hundreds of shells per day.

        An AMG Mercedes G-class is definitely a higher quality machine than a 90s Hilux, but those are still the work horses all over the world in the toughest conditions doing what they were made for.

        Just imagine the logistical nightmare Ukraine is facing with these dozens of random as complex weapons systems they’ve been blessed. One more expensive than the other, hardly anyone’s trained on anything, maintenance is hard, replacement hard to come by, munitions not interoperable, etc.

    • bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      It isn’t a real thing. Nobody builds nor wants to build double barrel tanks. Those were already tested and found to be extremely inefficient. This YouTube channel is just click baiting Gamers.

    • EuthanatosMurderhobo@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Even if there was a point to making a superweapon instead of something you can reliably mass-produce, why would anyone focus on developing a fucking tank as a Wunderwaffe in this day and age anyway? If Ukrainian shitshow is showing something militarily, it’s that the god of war remains the same and correcting it’s fire with reconnaissance drones makes it hella efficient.