I’m still trying to figure out how federation works in practice so bear with me. On enterprise, if I go to communities and click “main@voyager.lemmy.ml” (here) shouldn’t I see all of the same posts that I see on https://voyager.lemmy.ml/c/main ? I’m thinking of it as I’m on enterprise but I’m viewing the content hosted in voyager’s main, is that right? But there are two posts on voyager’s main that are not visible from enterprise: https://voyager.lemmy.ml/post/16 and https://voyager.lemmy.ml/post/10

  • DessalinesMA
    4 years ago

    Here’s a good example:


    You’re on voyager, looking at its version of !main@ds9 .

    It won’t be an exact copy, because it doesn’t pull history by default. Only when new comments / posts are made (and pushed to voyager since a user there has subscribed to !main@ds9) , will you see new stuff. Your instance will aggressively fetch users, posts, and comments it doesn’t have, when it receives activitypub messages. Its complicated I know.

    Short answer is things are pushed to your instance, only after a user on your instance has subscribed to a community on another.

  • @SirLotsaLocks
    14 years ago

    I don’t think federation is implemented yet if that’s what you mean

  • @nutomicA
    14 years ago

    Only if a user on enterprise follows that community on voyager will the posts be federated. You can trigger federation manually by entering the post URL into the search.

    • @diorama
      14 years ago

      I put it here and I will elaborate for the future, hoping Lemmy will be more and more adopted.
      I think the single instance will profit of an intermediate subfederation of instances - let me call it lemmysubverse - sharing a large overlap of values and goals, and which is tighter than the whole lemmyverse.