So the story that Jong-un is in a coma is blowing up, and a basically identical story blew up several months ago, both times it was also reported how Kim Yo Jong took over.

This time it’s coming from especially bad sources like NY Post, and other similar places.

Bigger and more credible news outlets aren’t reporting the coma story right now, but they’ve been reporting that Kim Yo Jong has been getting more power delegated to her and all kinds of profiles about her.

Anyone has a clue what’s going on with this whole thing?

I have a feeling like there’s some truth to Jong-un’s poor health, and that this is some kind of effort to sabotage Kim Yo Jong as his successor or something.

Like, constantly reporting on her “growing influence” and how she “takes power” after Jong-un is incapacitated makes me feel like it’s done in a way to make her look power-hungry and opportunistic or something and maybe hurt her standing with NK leadership.

I don’t know if that makes sense honestly, cause why would anyone inside NK care what some news outlets in the west were saying, but I don’t know what else could be the reason for this many stories about this topic – maybe just pure clickbait bullshit with no agenda? IDK

    4 years ago

    Theory 1: CIA Op floated through various media outlets. It’ll eventually seep into the DPRK and amp up his paranoia. Then he’d feel compelled to isolate a close (?) advisor.

    Theory 2: The CIA is creating an international consensus that Kim Jong Un is dead, regardless of whether it is true. Repeat a lie long enough and it will become “true” to millions.

    With that task out of the way, the boys in Langley play an old song: Surely we can’t let an ambitious, emotional woman have nukes, can we?

    USA pushes for regime change. China and Russia protest. Brinkmanship ensues. US plans for coups fail because of our Imperial Hubris. China grabs the bourgeoisie by the balls and we quietly forget the whole venture. We make ourselves feel better by drone striking some Afghan School for the Blind.

    The wheel of spectacle keeps on turning, the masses return to their work. The capitalist vampires continue to feed until this planet dies quietly in the dark. Have you seen Elysium? That, but with less coordination and competence.