• 17 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2019


  • Theory 1: CIA Op floated through various media outlets. It’ll eventually seep into the DPRK and amp up his paranoia. Then he’d feel compelled to isolate a close (?) advisor.

    Theory 2: The CIA is creating an international consensus that Kim Jong Un is dead, regardless of whether it is true. Repeat a lie long enough and it will become “true” to millions.

    With that task out of the way, the boys in Langley play an old song: Surely we can’t let an ambitious, emotional woman have nukes, can we?

    USA pushes for regime change. China and Russia protest. Brinkmanship ensues. US plans for coups fail because of our Imperial Hubris. China grabs the bourgeoisie by the balls and we quietly forget the whole venture. We make ourselves feel better by drone striking some Afghan School for the Blind.

    The wheel of spectacle keeps on turning, the masses return to their work. The capitalist vampires continue to feed until this planet dies quietly in the dark. Have you seen Elysium? That, but with less coordination and competence.