• ster
    4 years ago

    I’m a socialist, but I’m not a state socialist. I believe in a welfare state and social ownership of the means of production. But not in state ownership of everything. Giving more and more power to the state always leads to corruption, just like giving more and more money (aka power) to corporations has lead to their corruption.

    The Uyghur genocide is just the most recent on a long list of corrupt and evil actions that the CCP has committed. They have strong-armed and lied the Tiananmen Square massacre out of existence, despite hundreds of deaths. They are currently trying to “integrate” Hong Kong into the rest of China, to the detriment of the Hong Kong people many of whom value the freedom they would have as an independent nation. China is not a true democracy, else the CCP would simply not be able to govern for so long, no democracatically elected party anywhere else has. Opposition is not permitted, the parties that do exist are simply another name for the same government.

    It doesn’t take much to realise that any survey of the people of China is going to be a complete farce. We know that the people of China are living under such oppression that they cannot say what they truly believe for fear of persecution/imprisonment etc.

    We could throw articles at each other all day and get nowhere. For every shoddy western journalist who promotes anti-china sentiment there is another in China who simply tows the party line. So I’m not going to try that.

    But here’s what I will say: You don’t have to believe in China’s political and economic system to be a socialist. There are many different forms of socialism. The co-operative movement, for example demonstrates that democratic worker ownership of land, wealth and power can decrease (not eliminate) inequality in the workplace and the market. The free software movement, of which I’m sure you are proudly a part, demonstrates a form of common ownership among everyone, protected by the GNU GPL, that prevents your hard work from being taken from you while also protecting the freedoms of everyone who uses it. These are all examples of ownership models that are neither capitalist nor state socialist.

    So I think you should really consider whether as a society we want to give up our freedoms of speech and so on to our government, who time and time again fails us. Or should we share everything with our neighbours and friends and colleagues, without a revolution or violence.

    (EDIT: nonetheless, I shall investiate further into your socialism essay in the hope of seeing another side of the story)